Belle looked at him, unsure “Do you feel ok to go? We can stay here for a while! I can stay here with you for as long as you need to…”

He smiled at her “It’s really overwhelming to hear you say that” his intense stare burned  her soul “But I guess that being out there, having something to do and focus on it… that will be good, right?”

Belle looked at him, still unsure

“Besides, you will be there” he smirked

Belle blushed “I just want you to be ok”

“I want to do this. Let’s go still today”

She smiled. His determination always amazed her.

“Let’s wait for the couple to wake up and ask them what they think”

Robert nodded “Deal”

*a few hours later*

Belle looked at the couple, worriedly, as the three waited for Robert, who went to make a phone call to Emma, before they left.

“Do you think this is a good idea?”

“If he feels good, Belle…” Claire commented “I don’t want him to do anything he doesn’t feel up to”

“Girls, easy, will you?” Tom smiled “Rob’s right. Going out there and having something to do is only good for him. And we will be there for those tough times.”

“You should have seen him last night, begging for me to give him the bottle…”

Claire held her hand “He could be dangerous”

Belle frowned “No…”

“It is possible. But… we are here not to let him do something crazy”

“Robert would not get aggressive towards any of us…” Belle insisted

“That’s not Robert, in those times” Claire whispered.

And she was right.

As to Robert, he was away from the living room, getting stunned with the millions of calls and messages he had on his phone from Interpool’s people.

Obviously, he could not read or listening to all the voice messages at the time, so he decided just to call Emma.

“I cannot believe this is happening” she immediately answered

“Hey, Emma”

“Robert… what the hell are you doing? Where are you?”

“I am thinking of going there, now.”

“Robert, what have you…”

Robert interrupted her “I want to go back to work.”

“Robert, you know I want to know your condition before letting you…”

“Emma… I need to help someone right now. You don’t need to give me any mission. Just… let me do something”

“And then what? You just disappear again? No, Robert. I will not let you do anything”

“Emma… I will not disappear. Please listen to me, Miss fresh director”

He could basically hear her smile on the other side “Come here, Rob. But this is not a yes”

“Yet” he completed

“Do not be so full of yourself”

“Could you get us a jet, at LAX?”

Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Where stories live. Discover now