It didn't come to my surprise that he acted this way, I'd heard stories of the teachings that go on in Malfoy Manor regarding, how they say, 'mudbloods', they despised them, were disgusted by the thought of 'my kind', they believe that we are a plague on the wizarding world, like some infestation of rats that needed to be exterminated.

The way the entire family thought was bizarre to me, for they thought a bloodline had to be pure, clean of muggle DNA to be deserving enough for magic, how ignorant can one be to hate an entire group of people for having a different heritage and background.

Such a privileged little bastard I thought as I stormed away, shaking my head in disbelief.

It was only another short while to the castle, I mostly sat in silence staring out the window at the beautiful views. The train journey was one of my favourite things about attending Hogwarts, you can feel the anticipation grow in students the closer you get, it truly is the most magical place on earth.

After unpacking and a little bit of down time, dinner was ready to be served in the great hall. I sat down next to my friends all chatting away about the latest school gossip.

My eyes wandered around the hall, glancing at all the new 1st years gawking over the the timeless surroundings, full of hope and optimism of what this school has in store for them, I bet I looked the exact same 6 years ago.

My eyes fall upon the Slytherin table, more specifically Draco. He sat silently while his friends joked around him, head in his hands with a sombre look plastered on his face. Regardless of how many people were in the room, he looked lonely, so incredibly lonely.

It was uncomfortable seeing him vulnerable, he had always been so confident. I sympathised with him for a second before snapping myself out of it. I can't really feel sorry for Draco Malfoy, not after today. I pushed the thought out of my mind, picked up a piece of bread from the middle of the table and joined the conversation my friends were having about the new professor.

*The Next Day*

After a light breakfast and a quick trip to the common room to find my timetable I was ready for my the day to begin. The first class of the term was potions with Professor Slughorn.

He's a jittery man probably late into his 50's by now, if not 60's with a likeable face and a personality to match, however the potions he was intending on teaching us this year seemed impossible, everyone was failing at the first one, even Hermoine. Well... everyone except Harry but what can you expect from the 'chosen one'. He was awarded with a vile of liquid luck and with that, the class ended.

As I was walking through the crowded halls back to the common room I jumped out the way of some first years running to their next class. Before I knew it I had bumped right into a now angry looking Draco, knocking all his books that were once in his arms, on the floor.

"Watch where our going loser." He spat as his little minions  picked up his books. If you didn't know him you'd think he's bloody royalty. "You'll pay for this Fay."

"Whatever Malfoy." I said rolling my eyes as he pushed passed me and into the hustle and bustle of the hall. It's crazy how entitled he acts, I wonder if he actually believes he's the shit or if he's putting in a good show because if that's the case then he is one phenomenal actor.

My friends gave a me look that resembled exactly what I was thinking and we burst out laughing, Draco didn't bother looking back and neither did any of his goons and once we finished laughing they were submerged into the hoards of students.

I decided to clear my head and take a walk to the great lake. I've always liked it there, it's peaceful and you can watch the clouds float by in the waters reflection. My friends instead chose to continue to the common room and left me to myself.

I was in a world of my own, walking, taking in the fresh air, occasionally turning back and letting my feet find their own way. It was freeing, feeling the wind in my hair and the sun on my skin. I turned back towards the water and stopped in my tracks.

At the edge of the lake stood Draco, still clearly quite annoyed by the situation that had happened just 15 minutes ago.

I walk over slowly, watching him disrupt the polished water with the flat stones he threw, in some attempt to skim them, he clearly wasn't very good, one after another the stones made a small splash in the water, he looked like he was drowning in his own thoughts.

As hard as it is to admit, it was very attractive, his suit fit him perfectly, sculpting him in all the right places. He looked completely consumed by his mind. After a second of watching I broke the silence and asked;

"Do you want any help looking for stones?" I hoped we could brush our encounter from before under the rug. "Or I can I teach you how to skim a rock properly."

"I don't need help from a mudblood like you." He said sharply as he turned to face me.

"Why do you have to be so fucking rude all the time?" The words escaped me without thinking.

A little lump in my throat started to form. This is bound to set him off. He stomped towards me at an alarmingly fast pace and towered over me, trying to intimidate, his eyes were narrowed and his hands had curled up into fists.

"What did you just say to me?" The anger in his voice rose "Do you know who I am?"

I can't bite my tongue any longer, especially when he's acting like such an entitled prick.

"Have you ever considered you're not the most important person in the world? That people don't owe you anything or worship the ground you walk on? Are you that self absorbed and up your own ass to think that someone could ever help you?"

"How dare you speak to me like that. I am Draco fucking Malfoy, no one speaks to me like that." He uttered in complete disgust at what I had said.

"Well clearly someone should start." The words came out in a bitter and distasteful manner but I didn't care, he needed to be put in his place.

"I'm warning you Fay, stay out of my way." He gave me one last look up and down, scoffed to himself and pushed passed me, back up to the castle.

I wandered over to the edge of the lake where Draco had been standing, at my feet were a pile of smooth, rounded stones that Draco had obviously collected.

I picked one up and threw it across the water, watching it skim over the surface creating tiny ripples that grew and grew. It was very soothing, Draco had the right idea if he came to relax.

Thinking back I probably should've kept to myself, I don't know what my intentions were when I asked Draco if he wanted help. Even on the rare occasion he would, he'd just insult me time and time again.

I guess I wanted to make amends, or at least agree to act civil, but I think it's safe to say I'm not on Draco's good side, if he even has a good side.

Word count - 1988

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