Classes get Heated and Minerva knows

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I opened the door only to have people turn and look at me. I was late. "Well thank you for finally gracing us with your presence Miss...?" The teacher said with a deep silky voice, looking at me expectantly. "Vilkas, Jana Vilkas." I said refusing to falter under his intimidating gaze which seemed to surprise him. "And your quiet welcome." I added as I sat down next to another Slytherin. I felt a bit feisty today. "10 points from..." he paused while looking down at the Slytherin crest that was on my robes. "5 points from Slytherin and detention tonight at 7, Miss Vilkas." He sneered. He turned his back and went on about a potion. "All right, can anyone describe a what a mandrake looks like?" He asked. I played with my quill. "Miss Vilkas." I looked up boredly. "I don't know, a fat screaming shrub baby?" I answered lazily. He walked toward me. "How about gingzing?" 

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"How about elder berries?"

"I don't know." I started to feel a bit threatend by the way he was attacking me with all these questions.

"Can you please tell the class what species of snake has magical property fangs?"

"I don't know." I said as I clenched my jaw.

My classmates seemed to scoot away, sensing a fight coming.

"How about-"

"I DON'T KNOW! HOW ABOUT YOU LOOK IT UP INSTEAD OF ASKING ME!!" I shouted as I stood, slamming my hands on top of the desk. I saw the veins start showing as I quickly grabbed my bag and ran from the room.

I walked into my room, that was near a secret tunnel to the forest. It was a small room but that was okay. I threw my bag down and growled as I quickly locked the door. I shifted and ran around the room. I barked as I tore the couch and chairs apart. Stuffing was everywhere and the coffee table was knocked over. The bed was also torn apart. A vase hit the floor as I barked and growled. I sat in the middle of the room and howled pretty loud. I heard the door knob jiggle. I panicked and hid behind the couch. I covered my muzzle with my paws. The door knob glowed blue then opened. In came Albus. Once he saw the state of the room, he quickly shut the door behind him. He waved his wand and everything fixed its self. "Jana?" He called softly. I walked into view. "Oh Jana." He said sadly. I was covered in powder from the vase. He sat down in the far chair. I walked over to him and sat at his feet, setting my head on his lap. He hesitantly petted me. I thumped my leg when he scratched behind my ear. He chuckled slightly. "Professor Snape told me what had occurred but I know there is more to it but this once I will look away." He said as he stared at the fireplace absentmindedly petting my head. "Its a good thing I put silencing spells up so no one could hear you." He mused. I shifted back and stood. "That man purposely pisses me off!" I shrilly told Albus only to have him chuckle. "That's what he said about you." He quickly calmed down.

I sat in Transfiguration while Minerva went on about animagus's. She stood up from behind her desk and walked around it but as she did she shrunk and turned into a cat. I growled lowly as I watched the filthy little creature walk up to my desk. I bared my teeth as I slowly stood up from my desk. The cat cocked its head slightly as it sat looking up at me. I noticed the veins and grabbed my things, booking it from the class.

I stretched out by the shore of the lake after I had devoured a pound of raw pork. I smiled as I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes but frowned when hair gel and expensive cologne hit my nose. "Has anyone ever told you how breath taking you are?" Came an all too familiar voice. My eyes snapped open as I quickly got up, wiping my face clean. I turned around and saw Gilderoy Lockheart, standing there as if he were a king. "What are you doing here?" I demanded quiet rudely but he didn't seem to notice. "I am your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." He said casually but I knew he was trying to impress me. "Oh." I said rather dumbly. He chuckled and snatched my hand up, catching me off guard. "It will be such a pleasure to teach the most loveliest girl here." He purred as he kissed my hand. I ripped my hand away. "That's nice and all, professor but I must be going. My next class starts soon." I excused myself and tried to walk around him but he stood in my way. That was becoming a nasty habit of his. "I know. I teach your next class." He said. I sighed and gestured for him to lead the way.

Severus and The Lone Wolf Blood (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora