Power Loader was having a small geek out moment at the sight of the lab. Erasurehead stayed well away after Power Loader triggered a prototype of a flash bang which was obviously made for Erasurehead because it blinded him for a couple seconds even though he only saw it in his peripheral vision.

Erasurehead was looking around the medical station, he was running low on supplies. How did he even get some of this stuff? Some of it was very expensive stuff while others were cheaply bought. The gears in his head turned as he briefly pondered how he would acquire some of these items.

Snipe snooped around the weapons bay finding an array of weapons ranging from guns to a combat bow and arrow. Throwing knives to swords. Shock sticks to brass knuckles. All of different makes, he found a couple guns which were strangely familiar to some of his missing guns. He hummed to himself as he carefully inspected them.

Then Endeavour found a spare mask of the vigilante and Erasurehead lightly adviced him if he didn't want more scars then he should leave it alone. Endeavour immediately put it down.

All Might was standing guard by the gate not wanting to know anymore about the vigilante then necessary.

The other heroes that agreed to help out were just surveying the wearhouse and chatted quietly outside.

After a while Edgeshot uncovered his laptop. Powers loader looked like he was going to explode from excitement. This could be the break they needed, everything about the vigilante could be on this computer. Then Endeavour got a call.

"What do want Hawks, and how the hell did you get my private number?" Everyone flinched. Oh shit, he found out.

"No we didn't ignore you, we just didn't tell you." Erasurehead buried his head in his scarf, to stop the smile appearing on his face. He knew that Hawks personally knew the vigilante because Hawks escaped with him and spilled pretty much everything on his brother. But Erasurehead couldn't say that just yet. Erasurehead didn't know exactly why this was getting to him and making him so petty but he didn't really care in this moment if time.

"Okay can you stop yelling, it just one mission, no he's not here. It's a capture mission."


"No I'm not going to roast him ... too much."


"Stop yelling I'm hanging up." And Endeavour hung up grumbling. Hawks didn't sound happy to be left out, which was odd seeing his usual personality, maybe Erasurehead was onto something then the other heroes thought.

Suddenly someone else's ringtone echoed out around the building but it no recognized the ringtone. It was quickly silenced which everyone was confused at but continued looking around. Maybe someone just forgot to turn their phone off.

Mirko's ears were twitching though, she could hear something but couldn't tell what it is or where it is.

Suddenly everyone's gut told them something was wrong. They shared looks of concern but soldiered on.


[Reaper's Pov]

God damn it Hawks I know the heroes are here don't phone me you idiot. He phoned me and it echoed around my base so I hung up and scampered out of the building.

I quickly texted him in response;

Reaper -
Dude, I know the heroes are here, my phone went off, thankfully they didn't see me or hear me because they would have caught me.

Hawks -
Why the heck are you still there?

Reaper -
All my equipment is in there and all the women are looking at my clothes and power Loader is taking my laptop, if they get my laptop they could very possibly find out my identity and everything else because I've probably left clues or evidence on that thing!

Angel On My Shoulder [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now