Chapter 9

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[3rd Person Pov]

Thankfully some hero's think ahead. Just before the first encounter with Reaper, Snipe had the idea to use a tracking bullet incase the vigilante got away, of which preceded to happen.

Once Snipe returned to U.A. with the help of Power Loader he quickly traced Reapers location to a warehouse where the tracer stayed. After a quick surveillance and background check on the warehouse they quickly discovered that it was abandoned and the land was stuck in a legal dispute and no one had been to check on it for years. However fearing that Reaper might have actually died, they waited till he appeared again which happened in the slime villain incident. Then, Snipe showed his findings.

Needless to say some where ecstatic while others not so, namely All Might and Endeavour.

They planned an attack at night, even though Erasurehead pointed out he would be out patroling in full gear and if he spooked they won't find him again for a long time. The others brushed this off, they had him wildly out matched.

Erasurehead said attacking at morning would be best because of the fact he would be tired from his night long patrol and unlikely be capable of holding up any sort of defense. He held some valid points but other pros just wanted to check out the wearhouse. It had been a four year wait.

And so everyone set up.

The one thing they did do is not tell Hawks, Erasurehead also brought up a point that the vigilante and hero seemed to know each other rather well and Hawks would immediately alert Reaper of the attack. This got people's attention. All top heroes were brought in again except Hawks.

Once they all arrived they knocked on the large grey door, no response,they knocked again. No response. Erasurehead stood next to some of the other U.A. staff while he carefully surveyed the terrain he would have to work with if dealing with an outdoor brawl.

A couple heroes tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge, the door at the back refused to move as well. Erasurehead groaned at the obvious entrance, if the vigilante was already inside he probably would be long gone by now. All Might stepped forward and immediately punched a hole through the door which flung it off it's hinges. Whatever was blocking the door was now also smashed into tiny pieces.

All Might wasn't smiling either.

Erasurehead looked over the broken pieces of planked wood which littered the floor, the vigilante had moved extremely heavy boxes to block the doors. Smart, he thought to himself as he went to snoop around. He really did live here they realised. There was a small put together kitchen in one corner, a homemade laboratory in the other, a medical station in the centre, small handmade gym and a bedroom and old TV in the final corner.

Boxes sectioned off parts of the wearhouse acting as walls. So some blind spots where scattered around.

A couple heroes went to a different parts of the wearhouse and uncovered little bits of the vigilantes life while looking.

Present Mic was unlucky enough to find all the bloody rags and used medical equipment in the bin which he must have used after the All Might and Endeavour encounter.

They found the tracer there.

Midnight and the other girls pulled out some of his spare vigilante's gear. It astounded them all on the craftsmen ship. The red and blue seams perfectly woven in and out of the tough black leather of the jacket. They even glanced at some civilian clothing though there wasn't much, it looked almost untouched. Felt tip pen names had been scrawled onto the labels however the had been smudge to the point of almost completely illegible.

He didn't seem to go out much. Understandable if you had such obvious scarring and quirk mutations. Getting a job would be a risk and even more so now his picture is out there.

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