“Suck my finger into your mouth Ran.” he commanded her, she bent her head and took him into her mouth. “Oh sweet woman, your mouth is so hot.” He growled out, “Bite it, take a small drop from my finger. It will increase your pleasure and help you through this first time. I would rather not hurt you, my love.” He whispered, a groan coming from his lips as he felt her teeth nip the tip of his finger. Feeling her soft tugs as her luscious lips wrapped around the digit to feed, shot straight to his gut before her tongue licked over her bite to close the small wound. Valdr again painted her lips with his thumb after she licked the wound stopping the flow of blood, before getting back to his original task of loving her.

He watched her as he went on, she now had her hands buried in the pillows clutching them as she moaned. Valdr growled before rising up and blowing a hot breath over her now sensitive body, she whimpered as he did so. “Valdr...please.” She begged him, he smiled as he laid his tongue to her most pleasurable spot and sucked hard. Ran cried out and Valdr groaned in response as the sucking sounds from his mouth against her filled the air. Rising above her he took her mouth again with unleashed passion. Moaning into her mouth as her tongue met his in an erotic dance. He moved to her ear, nipping her lobe before sucking it between his lips. Breathing hot breath into her ear. “Valdr you are driving me insane.” She begged, he chuckled into her ear, “I am making love to you woman. Slow, hot passionate love that you deserve, I won't rush this. I want to make sure the pain that comes from your first time is drowned out by your pleasure.” Ran whimpered again, “I can't take much more Valdr, I ache so much it hurts.” she begged with a whisper as she turned her head and took his mouth this time. “Valdr, claim my body and make me yours, please.” She whispered, he kissed her again with a growl as his body lay over hers. “Are you sure you’re ready for this love? I will tell you now, I plan to get lost deep inside you so far you won't know where I end and you begin. I won't be able to stop this, Ran because your need to bite me will overwhelm you and when that hot mouth latches onto my neck I will be lost to reason and my ability to take things slow.” Ran looked deeply into his eyes, “Who said I wanted slow Valdr, my need for you is riding me hard also.”

With an inhuman growl Valdr kissed her deeply again as his hands slid down her thighs, pulling her legs around his waist. She felt the tip of his shaft kiss her as he slowly slid inside. “Valdr.” She moaned his name driving his lust higher, he leaned back wrapping his hands around her waist. “Get ready Princess, because I am going to break through.” Taking a deep breath she nodded, crying out as he pushed himself deeper until there was nowhere else for him to go. Throwing his head back he groaned and panted as he forced himself to remain motionless. Giving her body a moment to adjust, he fell over her on his hands as he leaned down to once more return his mouth to her creamy pale skin. Wrapping his arms under her he flipped them over so she lay on her knees over him. Sinking his hand into her hair, the other holding her hip, his own gently rose up. Pulling her head up by his grip on her hair he spoke through gritted teeth. “Sit up Ran, lean back.” She gasped at the erotic command coming from her mate, then gasped again as she laid her hands on his chest, eyes still locked with his and she rose up slowly. Valdr now sinking impossibly deeper. “It …hurts” She whined Valdr stroked her hair. “I know, I know, but I needed you to take all of me. I promise you will soon be so lost in our joining and my bite that it will ease the pain.” he whispered as his hand stroked down her hair and over her body. “You are so beautiful, so breathtaking, my lovely. I am humbled by your gifts.” He leaned up and took her mouth passionately again as he moved his hips up into her, catching her gasp into his mouth. Holding her to him with a hand in her hair he pulled her back down with him. Then moving his head to the side, baring his neck he pulled her into the hard line of his neck. “Sink those fangs into me, feed love. This will be the last time we need this. After tonight our mating will be complete and the blood-lust will be gone from us.”

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