Chapter 11

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Ran felt strong, soft lips skimming down her neck behind her ear, the slow swipe of Valdr's hot tongue before the kiss. She moaned as she came awake, his hot breath in her ear as he sucked her lobe. His mouth moved further down her body, "I want to make love to you. I can feel so much more now than before, Mate. I can hear your thoughts so much clearer." Ran's breath left her at his words, his mouth continuing to taste her as he moved down, rolling over to her back she raised her hands above her head and lay submissively under him.

Valdr pulled her blanket off her body, she felt his hand lift her dress, stroking over her bare cheek as he kissed her belly, moving up as he pushed her dress higher. Ran sat up far enough to pull it from her body, looking down watching him as his mouth traveled up her body, her ribs, between her breast before he licked her right nipple. Ran moaned again as she grabbed the pillow behind her head and held on for the ride.

Valdr slowly licked circles around her tight nipple before sucking it lightly, pulling back stroking it with his hot lips. Ran was panting now as she watched him. "Holy mother, Valdr." She moaned his eyes flicked up to catch hers and he held her gaze as he licked around her nipple again. "You taste so sweet, I love your body, the taste, the feel of your tight breast tips on my tongue." He moaned before sucking her deeper into his mouth lashing his tongue over her.

Ran felt his teeth scrap over the skin, a cry broke the silence as her body heated more, before he sunk them into her skin. Her hands dropped to his head and she held on to him as he drank from her with slow hard pulls that made her tingle with each tug, her body weeping as it begged for him. She moaned out as he sucked harder making her breast sting. His hand traveled up her bare thigh, licking the wound he had created as he moved to her other breast.

"I thought...I thought that the need to feed was only...for mating." Ran said breathlessly as Valdr assaulted her senses.

"I was gifted with brother wolf last night. I was gifted with brother eagle as well. Both mate for life, My Princess. Brother wolf demanded I claim you his way. His way leaves a permanent mating mark that you will now carry on the swell of your breast. He demanded it of me, My Love. I'm sorry."

Ran shook her head but lost her words as Valdr made his way down her body, teasing her to a frenzy with his mouth.

Her moans filling his ears as he he made love to her with his mouth. His hands stroked her thighs as he relentlessly drove her over the edge repeatedly. Her cries begging him to take her finally reached his ears. With once last lick to her center, he rose back up to look into her eyes as he slowly drove them both to paradise.

He felt a hum through his body like something drove him to indescribable lengths. He pressed a finger in her mouth and moaned as she bit into it, taking deep pulls. A growl left his lips, outside lightning crashed through the night sky, thunder rolled. As he, wanting to crawl inside her, felt driven to love her until his last bit of strength was gone.

"I want to love you until the sun rises." He growled out as he pressed deeper, his strokes longer and harder. Ran jumped when the torrents of rain started, the lighting louder, the thunder rolling longer. Softly kissing his lips, she stroked his face, "Open your mind and heart, feel me..shhh my love. You must allow me to see the new parts of you, we must calm this driving need inside you. I am here my sweet warrior, you can take all night to love me and feel me here." She whispered as she pressed her hand to his heart.

Closing her eyes she felt the peaceful contentment he brought to her from deep inside and mentally imagined pushing it into his chest through her hand. "Take me Valdr, I am yours in every way but you must calm, look outside the window, a storm rages outside as it does inside you. Feel me mate, my heartbeat with yours, you have the ability to crawl inside me and feel everything."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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