⚔ Chapter 4

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          It was around Midnight when Ran heard a knock on her bedroom door. Confused on who would be coming this hour of the night called out before opening up. Her father stood in the doorway, his hands in his pockets as he looked at the floor. “The men are getting ready to go on a raid. One of the townspeople called. We have a vampire too far gone in the throes of bloodlust be brought back and he is killing innocent people. We have to go take care of this. Your twenty-two now Ran, your own need for blood with start soon. I have managed to shield your from it thus far but you need to know it’s coming.” Rulf hesitated clearly uncomfortable about having this intimate conversation with his daughter as her mother should be the one having it with her. Ran walked back to her bed and sat down hard. “Is Valdr leading them in?” Her father silently nodded knowing his daughter was done with the conversation at least tonight.

Ran jumped up and ran from the room, out of the house and down to the path on which the men were traveling to leave the protection of the mountains. She stood up under a tree in the shadows as she watched the men pass by. Valdr was the last man; her heart ached as she watched the man in full warrior mode walk towards her. She thought for sure he would pass her by without noticing her, which is what she intended.

Valdr came to an abrupt halt, his head turned as he saw her there in the shadows. “What are you doing out here Ran?” He asked in a low voice. “I wanted to come see you leave Valdr, Please be careful out there.” He stood stone still looking at her and she wished for all the world she knew what was going on in the man’s head. With a curse, he walked closer threading a hand in her hair as his lips hovered over hers. Their breathing growing heavy the anticipation growing, the hungry for just one taste lay thick between them. “Go back inside Ran, I don’t like you out here alone with my warriors gone.” He whispered above her lips. His eyes boring into hers as if they were looking for the answer to all his questions. Pulling her hair to the side, Valdr placed a soft kiss to her neck before walking away, his head dropped like a dejected man. Ran stood there a moment longer her eyes closed as she savored the moment that his lips had touched her skin. For such a hard man his lips had been so soft, his kiss so tender that her skin tingled still. For the first time in her life, her breast felt heavy and the juncture between thighs ached from that simple kiss. She laid her head to the tree and breathed slowly as her heart ached for the mate she feared she would never have. She needed to know what held this man back from her. If he survived tonight…she shook her head. No, she would not think like that, he would be back. She was going to wait up for them to return, she could not sleep until she knew they were all home safe.  Tomorrow she would confront him, she would demand of him to tell her why he refused her. She needed to know when he so desperately seemed to feel the same need for her that she felt for him.


Before she could turn to walk back inside, she felt a weight pin her to the tree. A growl in her ear as horrid breath hit her cheek.  “I told you did I not? I warned you to give up this idea of mating with a man here in the tribe. You have no idea what you are doing Princess, nor who you are messing with.” Ran tried to strike her elbow back to the man that held her captive but he was too fast and grabbed her arm. “Such a feisty wench.” He said appreciatively as his hand slid across her belly. “Maybe I should take you while the warriors are away and have my way with the Chief’s virgin daughter then no man would want you anyway.” He laughed and it made Ran cringe, “This is your last warning Princess, you need to find a way back to where you came from or at the very least tell your father you refuse to mate. I will not have you stepping on my toes when I have worked years to get close to that chair. “Before she could catch her breath to tell the man he was wasting his, the weight was gone and she was freed. The heavy feeling that had lain thick in the air was gone. Maybe it was time to talk to her father about this. This was the second time she had been approached by someone plotting against him. She still didn’t recognize the voice as anyone she interacted with on regular bases. There were still so many people in the village she didn’t know. Taking a moment to catch her breath once more, she pushed back from the tree and made her way back inside. She felt sick to her stomach and her body was starting to break out in a cold sweat.

She entered her room on silent feet, her father hadn’t stayed to wait, he had gone. She went to the pitcher in the corner to pour herself a glass of water. Taking a drink, she sat in the chair before the fire. Lost in a daze as she watched the flames lick over the logs, her body felt much the same in that moment. Scorching hot but she had the chills as the cool sweat dripped down her face and back. She started to tremble but she had lost awareness now. She was back and forth in and out of sleep, she would wake and listen for any sounds of the warriors return and then she would be dragged back into the nothingness. She didn’t understand what this was. Had she caught some virus that she hadn’t been aware of? Her father had told her that it was almost time for her change to come when she would need blood but he hadn’t explained that too her. Pulling the blanket off the back of the chair, she felt too weak to move. She simply thought she would ask Catharina or her father the next time they came in to check on her.
She bolted awake as she heard the voices of laughter and talking outside the house. She knew the men were back now. Forcing herself to her feet, she ran for the door and outside to stand beside her father as she watched for Valdr to walk by. She needed to know he was home safe, she felt her father’s touch on her back, “Ran are you alright child your covered in a cold sweat and you do not look well.” She didn’t hear him though she was too busy waiting on Valdr, it was obvious the fever was effecting her mind. When she saw him, she laughed as tears leaked from her eyes. She brought her hands up to cover her mouth as she laughed happily to see his face. He must have heard her because he looked; up to see, her smiling face and for the first time he smiled back.

“Ran.” Her father spoke again worried now as he felt her frame trembling. I can sleep now she thought as her eyes closed and she crumpled to the ground. Her father caught her before she could hit, the warriors all shouted as they ran forward. Valdr pushed them aside as he made his way to her. “What is wrong with her Chief?” He asked worriedly, Rulf looked up and him and shook his head, “I have no idea Valdr she was fine earlier when she came out to see you off.

One of the warriors had run for their doctor, he pushed Rulf out of the way, as he bent over her examining her where she lay. “She has been forced into her change Rulf. She must have been under some serious stress to cause this reaction. We must take her into the house and lay her in her bed. We will have to force her to drink from a living source. She will have to be go through this the old fashion way. Has she chosen her mate Rulf?” He looked up at him with worry in his eyes. Rulf locked eyes with the very concerned Valdr and shook his head, “She found him but they have yet to seal the bond.” The doctor looked up and Valdr and then back to Ran. “No matter as her father it cannot be you that gives her the blood. We will have to ask her mate to do so or else you will have to choose her mate for her. This will only last long enough to ensure her mating and it has to be the blood of her mate.” Rulf closed his eyes and dropped his head before nodding.

“No!” Valdr surprised everyone including himself as he spoke, “I will carry her in.” He growled out as he lifted her and carried her inside. Agmundr gave order for the big fire to be lit it was obvious no one would sleep until the Princess was safe. Men went to wake their wives to make coffee and food for the men standing vigilant at the Princesses door. Half the tribe slowly gathered around the fire, sitting and waiting as they ate and passed the time.


Valdr laid Ran on the bed before he stepped back to watch as the doctor loosened the collar of her button shirt. “She will have to be striped of her clothes, either her mate of the mate that her father chooses with have to come and force her to drink the blood from his veins.”

Valdr shook his head, “Why must it be her mate that does this?” He asked confused having never seen this done. “Usually a woman doesn’t come into her change until after she is mated. Blood is normally exchanged during the mating of a woman and her mate to bond them and bring about her supernatural change. Since she hasn’t mated yet this wasn’t done, it is a very real possibility that the mating bond could form from the one that feeds her. I don’t want to take the chance with just anyone feeding her son, this will pass as soon as she is bonded and she will never have to feed from blood again. There are a few warriors who depend on blood to survive but considering her father isn’t one of them we have to assume that she will only need blood until her body completely bonds to her mate. We need to cover all bases on this, this girls life is too important to be left to chance.  If I am right and you bring in a random donor she could be bonded to a stranger.” Valdr growled and looked over at Rulf, “How could this have happened Rulf? She was fine when I left her, I come back she is being forced into her change. Forced to accept a mate unworthy of her.” He shouted and Rulf shook his head, “You are not unworthy of her Valdr.”
Valdr simply shook his head with a snort and paced the floor. “Men I hate to interrupt whatever is going on here but we need to work fast. We cannot allow her to wait much longer the fever grows stronger. You must choose who will do this.” Rulf looked up at Valdr waiting, “Valdr if you do this and, your mating takes place, you cannot tear her apart any longer with your denials. She will be yours to love and protect, I won’t allow you to hurt her anymore.” Rulf growled out in warning.  “Well I sure as hell will not stand by and allow you to choose another that isn’t her real mate and take the chance.” He growled out as he ripped his shirt from his back throwing it across the room.  The doc moved as Valdr sat on the bed beside her, pulling her lifeless body into his arms he held her as with his other hand he reached for his dagger. Pulling the knife across his chest above his heart, he pulled her head to him. Placed her mouth over the cut and prayed she would drink.  The other men stood back quietly as Valdr bowed his head over her, laying his forehead on her head as he stroked her hair. They could hear his whispered words as he begged her to drink.

Valdr was beyond worry as he held her precious lips to his chest; he willed her with his mind reaching out hoping she could hear him mind to mind, whispering words to drink from him. He might have been forcing this mating on her when he never for a moment felt worthy of it but he would not allow her to be bonded to another man that wasn’t meant for her. He could not stand the thoughts of another man touching his mate. With whispered words he begged, “Please Ran drink from me. I am offering you the mating you craved baby. I am here offering my life’s blood to you if you will simply take it and join with me.” He was past caring if he was unworthy of her as long as she lived. He didn’t know how he would open up to her and let her in but they would figure all that out later, after she survived. His shoulders slumped in relief as he felt the first small movement of her mouth. His relief was short lived, as the next feeling was a white, hot spike that drove through him when her small tongue licked over his chest. The doctor must have heard his gasp as they stepped around him to have a look as his little Ran as she dug her nails into his side crazed with hunger for him. She moaned as her other small hand rested on his hard muscled stomach, taking deep pulls of his blood down her throat. Valdr was lost in the havoc her soft mouth was causing his body; he knew nothing but the feel of her taking his life force inside herself. He felt his shaft harden and throb in response as she stroked over his chest and abs. The incredible moans that left her as she continued to feed from his body drove him higher as he hissed through his teeth trying to tamp down his sudden need to take her body. His hand fisted in her hair as he groaned his own pleasure.  His head snapped towards the hand that lay across her forehead with a growl, “She is taking too much from you Valdr; this was our concern of a mating. You either have to pull her back from your body or feed from her as she feeds from you.”  The doctor told him softly as he pulled back his hand. Rulf stepped forward at Valdr’s next words. “I cannot deny her, leave her!” He growled, “Then bite her Valdr, claim your mate and complete the bond or else she will kill you, drain you dry. Do you really want her living with the death of her mate? Mate with her or make her stop that are your choices.” Rulf used his commanding voice behind the order, no warrior under him could deny. It was ingrained in them to obey him. Valdr scooted himself up on the bed further, holding Ran to him as he lay them both back against the pillows. “Leave us; I will call you when it is done.” Rulf nodded and pulled the doctor from the room to give them privacy.

Valdr stroked her hair back from her neck as he struggled for breath the erotic pull of her mouth was driving him beyond reason. Kissing over the curve of her shoulder as he stroked her hair, he licked over the spot he had chosen to mark. She would forever carry his mark on her flawless skin just as he would carry hers. Licking over the softness of her shoulder, he kissed her skin; a moan escaped him as the flavor of her lay heavy on his tongue. With a growl, he sunk his razor sharp teeth into her golden skin sealing his mouth to her shoulder to pull her blood back into him. He moaned as fire laced down his spine, his head spun as his body tuned into the feel of her feeding from him and it was amplified stronger than before. He felt his mind join hers with a click and felt Ran’s lust and pleasure. She wanted him, her body ached for his touch, her body burned much as his did from the blood that now flowed through her.  The fire branded her heart and soul insuring no man would ever be able to touch her again save her mate. Valdr lost himself in her body and mind as he drank deeply from her. Her moans grew stronger as she reached up and took his hand pulling it towards her body. Valdr slipped his hand under the sheet and down her thigh. He would not make love to her like this when she was weak and needy but he could satisfy some of the hungry that rode her so strongly.

Rubbing his fingers across her wet folds, He pulled her thigh over his as he stroked her deeper until he felt her scalding heat with his fingers. He pushed them a short distance into her and groaned at her breathy moan around his skin. She still fed from him but her pulls had slowed. When he drove his finger inside her and started stroking her. Ran licked over his chest stopping his blood flow as her head tossed against the pillow. “Valdr” she gasped out his name breathlessly as he pleasured her. Licking over her mark he had created he pulled back to watch her face. “It is me Princess, I am here. Lay back and let me love you baby.” He whispered as he slowly loved her, wanting to savor the moment. Rubbing up her sweet mound, he reached her hard nub and started to rub it slowly allowing her to feel the sensations before he hit her full force by speeding up a little quicker. Her sexy red lips parted as she gasped for air, sexy little mewls escaping her. Valdr could take no more and bent his head to sip at her lips like a man dying of thirst. He moaned as he swept his tongue inside her hot mouth, his dancing over hers. Pulling back he licked over her pouty lips, sucking her bottom lip before burying his face into her neck to simply breath the scent of her as his hand drove her higher. He drove his fingers into her once more and with short stabs, he took her virgin channel, stretching her around his fingers as he showed her what he one day hoped to do with the joining of their bodies. Her moans turned into sexy little cries as he felt her tighten around his fingers.  “That’s it baby give me those cries as you reach heaven.” He panted into her neck as he scraped his still sharp teeth over her creamy skin. Her body trembled as her short sexy cries grew louder and knowing what a bite could do to a mate as they found their release he bit into her shoulder again and drank from her as one of her hands found his braid and pulled. Valdr growled at the sting in his scalp, which only turned him on more. He felt her passion soaring as his mind once again linked with hers. He moved his leg so hers fell between his and rubbed his throbbing length against her leg as she exploded around his fingers. He knew he would never be able to hold back his own release as he felt both their passion soaring through him. He growled harshly into her skin as he found his own heaven. He licked her shoulder to close her wound once more and his fingers slowly stroked into her as she came back to him. He couldn’t resist rubbing up the length of her one last time as he pulled his hand free from her body and with a growl as her scent hit him hard, licked his fingers clean. A groan left him at her flavor on his tongue; he stood and picked her up carrying her to the bathroom to wash her before he allowed them back into the room. He would not allow them the pleasure of his mate’s scent coating the air. Ran still didn’t open her eyes and her fever still hadn’t broken. Yet she seemed in less danger now, Valdr closed his eyes and matched his body to Ran’s trying to pull her body temperature down to match his, as it seemed to work as her heart beat now in tune to his own. Laying her back in the warm bath he left her long enough to open the bedroom window, to free the room of their mating scent. Then going back to the tub where she lay, he knelt beside her and taking a sponge that lay nearby he started the slow and pleasurable task of washing her beautiful skin clean. 


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