Let Me Care For You (Miraculous)

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Adrien wasn't stupid. He might have been oblivious, but he wasn't stupid. So when Marinette showed up for classes with her wrist wrapped exactly how Ladybug had wrapped her's the night before, he knew what it meant.

Marinette and Ladybug knew each other.

No, just kidding. But he did know that Marinette must be Ladybug, and that terrified him. He'd spent so long in love with Ladybug, he had never imagined she'd be so close to him. He had a real chance this time to have her. To build a life with her.

The only problem was that he couldn't outright say it. He could walk up to her in class and say "I know what you do every night because I'm the one patrolling with you" without sounding like a complete lunatic to their friends and freaking Marinette out. Plagg had suggested that he leave her a note (with complimentary cheese as a good will gesture) but he thought that might be just as jarring and strange.

So instead, he waited. He didn't want to do anything rash or too sudden. Too forward.

As time went on, Adrien started to see all those things that make Ladybug a superhero in Marinette. He saw the determination in her eyes. The spark of excitement and the bravery and all the sweetness was there.

It was a few weeks after Adrien realized Marinette was Ladybug that he startled up in bed, his eyes wide and hair wild.

"I'm in love with Marinette," he whispered. "I love Ladybug and I love Marinette and I love them. Her."

The didn't have much time to think about it, though, as a huge crash came rumbling over the city from the Seine. Adrien woke Plagg, who was sleeping on the pillows next to him, and transformed.

Chat Noir made his way over the city, running over rooftops and catapulting through the cool air. Ladybug - Marinette - was right behind him, catching up as she swung towards the supposed akuma.

"Good evening, M'Lady," Chat said with a smirk. "Its a paw-sitively lovely night."

Ladybug just rolled her eyes. "I don't think it's the time for puns, kitty."

The two catapulted over the last building only to see an akumatized victim in an all black suit. He was almost impossible to see in the dark, save the few moments he stopped to make some grand declaration of evil and to fire off some ray of blue and green flashes.

"I am the Cat Burglar!" he yelled, throwing his hands wide. I take what is most valuable to people, just like what was most valuable to me was stollen away!"

A cold shiver ran down Ladybug's spine. Maybe it was the fact that all akumas made her uneasy, or the fact that this one in particular seemed cruel and personal, but she really didn't want to get in the line of that ray. Chat seemed to read her mind, catching her eye to give her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, M'Lady, I'll keep good eyes on you. I wouldn't let anything happen to my favorite bug."

Ladybug and Chat landed on the street in front of the Cat Burglar and started their counterattacks. Chat couldn't help but freeze up whenever the ray went off. He knew that if it hit him, Ladybug would be the thing that disappeared. She was the most important thing to Chat Noir and Adrien Agreste.

It was too dark and too hard to see the Cat Burglar well enough to aim their attacks. He moved quietly and in shadowy paths, away from any street lamps. Every time one of the two superheroes though they had a clear shot, Cat Burglar would move a little and they would lose the target.

Ladybug was frustrated. None of the attacks were landing, and strong as she was, it was late. She was tired and irritable, making her slower and less careful. She saw the ray go off and dove down to avoid it, tangling herself on the curb and falling to the ground. Her shoulder hit the sidewalk hard, making Ladybug wince and gasp out. She pushed herself up and looked around, spotting a rooftop terrace on the building behind her. She retreated to the top of the little cafe they were at, pulling Chat along with her with her good shoulder. They both took a breather, watching as the Cat Burglar began to shoot some of the bystanders who had come out to watch the fight with his ray.

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