Chapter 8

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"Ok, I'm busy for the next 2 hours now." Hastings said.

"Just get to the story the suspense is killing me!" Don joked, he was stuffing his face with the space omelette. 

"Fine. We sensed something heading towards earth 3 months prior to the 'Christmas star' aka the alien ship landing. Dr. Anderson called me and Adler to explore it. We had our suspicions but never questioned it. The Alpha Centauri project, as you already know had been running, however the engine was the one thing we could never clock. We thought it was gonna take years until it reached Earth so we kept it on hold. On November 24th we checked on it. Our findings were indescribable, it was like nothing we'd ever seen. This signal that was billions of light years away headed for us at a speed 1 million times the fastest earths engines could go! so we calculated the exact date and time that ship would land on earth, we created the news story, set the scene. We created those metal controllers, mostly for the ship, however we didn't know it would come useful in the robots. We took the Robot, Adler thought it was wrong, he wanted to attempt at a connection. Of course he did. He believed in fantasies. Like take Will for instance, and look how that turned out!"  Hastings stopped for a breath, he never believed in happy endings or fairy tales. 

"Don't you dare insult my son or so help me god, it's you, you wasted so much time on killing us and hijacking the resolute if you used that intelligence somewhere else and maybe we'd be on Alpha Centauri. Stop feeling bad for your sorry excuse for an ass, when we get to Alpha Centauri you're locked for life!" Maureen stood up slightly and put her hands on the table. "Adler had a better plan then you, he was a better person. You are just a pathetic person. You made  everything a bigger mess. You nearly took Don's life, mine and John's. Your so twisted you even locked us out and had the decency to write an article before the death. Should I read it to you?"

Hastings shook his head. "Never mind, I'll just get on with the story. Do you have any water?"

"Yea we do, the same water you risked, for what? Oh yeah, your damn selfish personality. Oh and Control. How did that control work out for you?" Maureen slyly smiled while pouring the water into a cup for him. 

"Oooh you are savage Mrs.Robinson. But seriously am I the only  one dying to know why we're in this unfortunate situation?" Don was curious as to why he was even here, when he was small he was sent straight to boarding school, ended up with the wrong people, he did some unforgivable things. 

Then for the first time in his life someone took interest in his life, a professor. Professor Stone, he saw something in Don. He became the father figure in his life, sometimes instead of going home for the holidays he stayed over at the professors cabin. In his senior year, sadly Stone passed. This took the biggest toll on Don. He inherited the cabin house and majority of his money. He pulled back up and became an engineer, helped fix cars.

When he was at work he got a weird customer, she was called Dr.Harris.. She offered him a job to go to space. The pay was good, it was something new. He didn't agree with the so called new life 

"Well we got control of it using the technology, however it wasn't strong enough. We spent two months experimenting with it. We killed of five other robots until it was perfected. Then you, Maureen, solved our issue. We did it, we built the resolute around their engine. We must've triggered something on the 23rd journey because they intercepted us, however one thing we were so close to finding out was why they were on Earth. Firefly, before we accidentally killed him, said one name Chriseth. The rest of the story you know in more detail than me." Hastings finished. "There are more details but those aren't of any relevance." Hastings looked down, he had a look of shame on his face. Although, it was well earned. Adler was like his nephew though. He lost him. Just like his family, they betrayed him, one reason he never showed emotion was because he was never shown any himself. However. he'll never admit that to anyone.

"Chriseth, sounds familiar. Chriseth. How did that cause them to come here." Maureen questioned. A look of confusion filled we face.

"Sounds like a name, I mean Christopher or Christian. But who in their right damn minds calls someone Chriseth, major bullying must be what that guy went through. The swirlies, the-" Don rambled, he was mainly the mouth.

John eyed him. "I should stop talking." Don said. "I'll be at the hospital room."

"Yeah you go take a trip down Judy lane, do that!" John made fun of him.

"Whoa drop that will you? 8 year age difference? heartless Don? More like an uncle?" Don fought back.

"Don't care, you're more like Penny's and Will's uncle, not Judy's. And you're definitely not heartless, you're forgetting I saw you cry. " John argued. At this point Maureen had zoned out.

"Don? Before you leave, Ava's in penny's room, Andrew is in Will's and you're in Judy's." Maureen told him dryly, her mid was still focused on Chriseth. What's the significance?

"Hasting I need more details?" She asked.

"Ok." He replied. "What first?"

"Look, Adler died, scarecrow fought for us I need to know anything remotely close to how the connections work. Keep this between us: the glyphs, the connections and the planets are connected in a bigger plot." Maureen said, the last part in a whisper.

"J8 to J2, John Robinson, one of the well workers have died from an unknown disease." A voice erupted from the coms.

Maureen ran to the com button. She quickly pressed it. " J2 to J8, this is Maureen Robinson, that is unfortunate, we'll be there in 10-15 minutes tops, symptoms?" How great, another problem! This planet keeps getting better and better!

"Nose and mouth bleeding, colds etc. Its symptoms are general ones, we've called Marian. See you soon. Thank you for taking charge."

"See you soon. No problem. It's our pleasure!" Hastings left during this small discussion, he may have done those things but to him that's the only way he would've stayed at top.

John walked over to the coms. "Hastings left, can you believe we're in charge? It's not the best circumstances but you deserve it!" John said sitting down.

"No time to sit, come on let's get going. Space virus is another one of our problems. By the way, how are you feeling?" Maureen said grabbing her scarf and the keys to the chariot.

"Space Virus doesn't really sound appealing." Maureen threw the keys at him as they climbed down the ladder. John quickly caught them. "Good throw. Let's go."

"Nice catch." They sat in the chariot. Maureen opened the garage door. A comfortable yet hostile silence took over the atmosphere.


AN: I'm sooo sorry, I have been so inactive! I just have to get  adjusted with my cousins moving in for the cancer treatment for their mother, and trying to cheer them up. I know it's not an excuse but here you go! I have another chapter, I will release in the next 24-48 hours! 

I know this doesn't answer that cliffhanger! Hold on, It's in the next chapter!! 

Thank you soo so so much for reading I am very thankful! Please do comment and vote though, I'm not sure if the people who read this enjoy it and it would be nice  to get some feedback, I started releasing this book a month ago so happy Month Anniversary!!! Please do read and enjoy! Ignacio, Zach, Mina and Max posted about next season! I'm so happy! Can't wait to see the real ending to season 2. Hopefully this keeps you satisfied until then. 

(btw if there's any good LIS books or anything like that recommend them)

Lost in space: Journey to Alpha CentauriDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora