Chapter 2

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After exchanging greets with a few of the scared smaller children, Will headed off to the garage.

"Danger, Will Robinson." Will's eyes widened.

"Danger? You mean the Fortuna? Robots like you?" Will asked, wondering what the danger was, didn't they just leave 'Danger'.

"Wait Will. Hold up." Penny shouted, running up to Will. "Hey, how's the robot?"

"He did his 'Danger, Will Robinson' thing again." Will stated imitating the robot.

Penny, who headed to the back of the garage to find the earplugs, was surprised at what she found, or dear I say who she found. "He's changed but I like it."

"YOU!" Penny screamed. Meanwhile upstairs, Vijay, who ultimately knew who that was, curiously headed down to the garage. However Judy was preoccupied in her own issue.


"This is Judy Robinson of the 24th colonist group. Is anyone hearing this?" Judy spoke into the comms for the 10th time. "Ugh."

"Hello, this is -" Someone spoke through the comms in a broken voice.

"Come on! Start working!" Judy angrily mumbled while hitting the Comm system.


"You shouldn't be here! How? You know what, you're a-" Penny said sternly to Dr.Smith.

"Penny? Who's there?" Will asked, a little scared of the answer.

"Danger, Will Robinson." The robot repeated. stepping forward to block Will from moving forward, cornering him in the side of the garage.

"Oh Penny, my favourite Robinson." Dr.Smith said in a conniving voice.

"Oh don't you dare. You might've fooled people on the resolute, but here it's different. Judy sees through your act.''Penny Retaliated, raising a hand to intimidate Smith, however she was so close to striking.

"Of course," Dr.Smith said, snapping her fingers. "Judy's in charge,huh, in my opinion you're such an under appreciated Robinson. But, Mum and Dad aren't here anymore."

Vijay ran towards Penny and grabbed her arm to restrain her from going too far, he was well aware of how far Penny can go when someone annoys her. "Penny, calm down." Vijay tried to assure her.

"Vijay let go of me." Penny ordered, trying to pry Vijay's hands off of her arms. Turning towards Dr.Smith she continued. "You scum! How are you here? People sacrificed themselves to get us on this ship, and you're here? My parents deserve to be here!" Penny raised her voice, got out of Vijays embrace and raised her hand once more.

"Penny don't! there's other ways to deal with this, we can lock her up." Vijay said calmly, trying to ease the tension between Dr.Smith and Penny.

"Robot let me go! It's ok I'm safe, let me go to Penny." Will said in an ordering voice. Thus making the robot lower his arms and free Will. Will walked towards Dr.Smith.

"Aaah Poor Will, Robot still controlling you." Dr.Smith started. Will smartly held his com for Judy to listen into this conversation and come down.

"Don't go there, I'm just stopping my sister from doing something horrific to you. I may be nicer to you but I still hate you, and don't make me prove how much I do." Will said.

"Will's all grown up I see, try and look at this from my POV I didn't make the cut, again, however unlike the others I am a survivor. I do anything to survive. If that meant going back into a box then that's what I had to do.However, I strongly advise against hurting me, Penny, your boyfriends right, there are other ways to deal with this, for example let me go." Dr.Smith stated in her usual wicked and conniving tone.

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