Chapter 3

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"Penny, Dr.Smith is going to be punished." Vijay told her almost trying to convince himself. He knew from quite a few experiences that she was conniving. He also knew that Penny had tried to see through the mean Dr.Smith to get through to her and when she finally thought she'd change and that took yet another toll on her.

"Yea, thanks for everything that you've done for me." Penny said unenthusiastically. She just  needed me time. From the minute space was an option nothing has gone close to what she was told. Vijay went to .

Although Penny loves her family, sometimes it's so much easier to talk to people who you don't deal with every day. On earth, if something like this happened, which probably would never happen down on earth. That's another Con to going to space: No more parents. She would usually go to her friends. Just then she saw Ruby. 

"Hey Ruby!" Penny greeted her. Penny thought to herself, why not make a friend?

"Hey, Penny? Judy's sister?" Ruby asked as she lead Penny to the cockpit.

"Yea, that's me, how you doing? These are some crazy times. Do you have any siblings?" Penny started the conversation.

"I have 1 sibling but he has no idea I even exist, I've never met him. I was adopted after our parents left me for an adoption agency straight after birth and that adopted family was one of the ones that was on the amber planet. It's a complicated situation. You?" Ruby explained. By now they were sitting in the cockpit.

"And I thought my life was messed up! I have a brother, Will, and Judy. Will, you've briefly met earlier on. Fascination with robots, now has a connection to it.  My life is an amazing roller coaster (She said in an enthusiastic sarcastic voice). Ummm... Don, kind of like a brother to us, he was stranded on the water planet with us. Dr.Smith I envy, piece of advise NEVER trust her, I tried and it backfired so... I think we all miss our parents." Penny said with attitude. Ruby knew that Penny was going to get along with her very well. 

"I have a feeling we're going to get along VERY well. Now. Do tell!" Ruby exclaimed. For the first time in a long time she laughed. Although she's never spoken about it Ruby went through quite a bit of neglect in her life, being the 'adopted child' is never the favored child.

"Excuse me. What should I be so telling about?" Penny joked.

"Some inkling I have tells me Vijays not just a friend. Oh and the scream. What was that about?" Ruby answered.

"I-" Penny got interrupted.

'Hello this is Grant Kelly of The Fortuna, is anybody listening?' a sound came out of the coms.

Penny ran towards the comms "Hello this is Penny Robinson of the 24th Colonist Group."

''Penny to Judy, Judy are you there!!" Penny exclaimed holding down her com button. She ran down. 


"I'm supposed to be the leader, I can't do this without them. I'm no leader. First he leaves me then they leave me. Pretty sure... I just can't..." Judy spoke to herself sobbing. 

"Judy...Judy Grant Kelly just responded to our call, I think he altered his  frequency. Also, you are a leader! I mean! And we ARE gonna get mom and dad back. No doubt!" Penny assured Judy. 

At the mention of Grant Kelly Judy shot up and made her way upstairs. "Will?" Judy turned towards Will and the Robot before climbing the staircase. Will nodded. "Can you try and get the robot to find the Alpha Centauri Signal? And Penny you're in charge of rooming, there's 5 rooms and a storage unit in here and the hammocks."Get Ruby on it, Samantha can help."

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