Chapter 4

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"The robots not necessarily bad, Will's Robot cared for something, Scarecrow cared. They may have a brain. The lights." Hiroki offered to the conversation.

"So...This trench heals robots. When I saw the glyphs on the trench they reminded me of something, the robots, they all have a glyph  on their arm." Maureen tried to come up to a conclusion. "There are hundreds of engines why are they so bothered about an engine which came out of a crashed ship."

"Ok look at it this way, NASA's ship crashed. The engine is still functional but irreplaceable, if Russia took it it would start wars." Cameron added.

"There's something no ones accounting  for when the robots attacked us how many robots were on the resolute from 1 ship?" Don questioned.

"Give or take 50, what has that got to do with anything?" Maureen was  lost.

"Supposedly the Ship that crashed on earth only had scarecrow, fucking hell, scarecrow was an outcast or on a mission." Don resulted his inner suspicions.

"Why though? Why Earth? 2 years ago it wasn't even possible to reach out to them." Maureen questioned.

"As a person interested in alien intelligence those are all valid questions but the main aspect  to these robots is this place. It's either a miracle or a creation. The irony, Five planets each of them with a trench, each of them lightning storms. If this is their home why leave? So  perfectly made for them." Cameron questioned.

"Same reason we leave, different life, exploration. Strive higher." Hiroki was an expert in this field, but these questions are too complicated. The number one rule to learning anything is starting from the basics.

"Ok we're only here for 2 days, pictures, evidence, we need it all. Don, you my friend are going to have to climb those. Cameron you are on the glyphs. Hiroki what do you suggest we need to find out about the trench?" Maureen ordered.

"Material, texture. The creation or dear I say formation of this. Other planet had all of these 5 planets in one. This one all separated." Hiroki answered, Aiko (his daughter) was above 18 therefore she stayed, he knew this life wasn't sustainable. They needed a home. He didn't go through what Maureen or Victor went through. Hence, his vision was not clouded with loss. His vision was not clouded with vision of his child, instead he was singularly focused.

Singularly focused.



Penny knew it was unavoidable. First Judy was questioning it, then Ruby and on top of that Judy's speech. Yes, Judy's speech had nothing to do with it but throughout it someone else came to mind. That someone was less than a meter away. Their tension could be picked up from Alpha Centauri at this rate. She wasn't going to stand there no longer.

After a few seconds of thinking, she got up from her current slouch against the cold hard wall of the Jupiter. She would ask Judy for advice but Judy has too much going on.

Right now he was in his room along with Rick (14), Lenny (17) and Aiden (16). She took her time on the way there to think of a credible excuse. She was slowly dragging her feet along. When she reached, she paced herself at the door. Now or never. Her inner voice was screaming 'Calm down Penny'.

She knocked.

"Penny?" He asked. Surprised at her arrival at his door. What he'd wish to have that as a normal thing.

"Uh yea- Can we talk outside?" Penny asked. "Wait, where's the rest of them?"

"They went for lunch. Come in." He told her. He walked over to the side and sat himself down on the floor leaning against the wall. He stretched his legs out.

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