Start from the beginning

The other boys seemed to shake their heads in exasperation, probably already anticipating the sudden explosion of glee but Jungkook just smiled. "Sure thing hyung."

I had never seen Taehyung look so happy.

The boys piled down the stairs in a big heap, presumably to set up this movie day, and I could see Jungkook roll his eyes jokingly from the corner of my eye. "They do this every year."

"It's cute," I said, thinking back to my conversation with Jin and Hoseok. They were very enthusiastic to make this day as perfect as possible for their youngest and, I could tell that his absence had made this day ten times more special. If anything, Taehyung was clear proof of that.

It didn't take long for me to inhale the waffles, my stomach grumbling hungrily like a deprived animal, before Jungkook and I made out way down the stairs (I had made sure to actually get changed into a suitable outfit by this point). When I stepped into the living room, I was in shock at how dissimilar the room looked to it's usual appearance. The boys had probably worked faster than ever to transform the room into a personal cinema.

The curtains were drawn, pillows were strewn on the floor, popcorn stood steaming on the side, a large screen reflected against the wall and, Taehyung had ever made a blanket fort in the corner. It was really homely and I couldn't help but feel my heart warm. Jungkook was certainly lucky to have a family that cared for him as much as his hyungs did.

"Wow, this is amazing," Jungkook gasped, his mouth open in awe as he looked over the small apartment room. "What movie are we watching?"

Taehyung went to shout out something but Jin shushed him, an intimidating look on his face. The boy instantly deflated as if he had remembered something important and smiled sheepishly. I could hear Jin's sigh from here. "It's present time first."

Jungkook seemed to pale and he shook his head rapidly. "You guys know what I don't like presents." It seemed that, similarly to me, Jungkook wasn't fond of being spoiled with gifts.

"Oh shush, we enjoy buying them for you," Jin teasingly scolded, patting the space next to him. Jungkook reluctantly sidled up to the older and sat himself down on the cushion before motioning for me to join him. By the time I had managed to maneuverer myself around the large pile of pillows, Jungkook and I were pressed shoulder to shoulder. He flashed me a delighted smile and I couldn't help but flush red at our close proximity. I would have to scold myself for being such a blushing mess later especially, considering that Taehyung had already shoved a largely wrapped parcel into Jungkook's unsuspecting lap.

"It's not much but I saw it and knew that it was perfect!" Taehyung said, eyes wide as he leaned closer to decipher Jungkook's reaction as he gently peeled off the paper. I couldn't help but chuckle at the care he put into opening the parcel, considering that he could probably tear it apart with zero effort despite Taehyung coating it in a whole roll of sellotape. He seemed to hear my teasing laugh as he sent me a joking glare, his eyes lighting up with a challenge.

He managed to quickly shred the remains of the wrapping paper and pulled out the present within. It was some clothes, unsurprisingly, and as I peered closer, I couldn't help but feel as though I recognised the brightly coloured jacket. My eyebrows knitted in confusion as I tried to discover why the object was so startlingly familiar when I spotted Taehyung's timid look as he frequently glanced towards Jin.

That was when the realisation sunk in- somehow that tricksy boy had managed to buy the outfit, that had been displayed so nicely on the mannequin, yesterday under Jin's nose and against his rules. Taehyung seemed to realise that I had sniffed of his secret as he sent me a panicked look, waving his arms around like a madman. I just laughed, motioning that my lips were sealed. Taehyung's shoulders relaxed slightly but he continued to shoot worried looks at the older. Luckily for him, Jin suspected none the better.

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