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Readers. Pov)

I live in an icolated group of religion, it's been normal for me always has been. In the morning the leaders would speak upon us and told us about our lord, his name I may not call. I was born close to here and I have been a member of this religion for most years of my life. My conceivers had grown worried about me when I was born. When the leaders saw me they called the gods and shared their herbs and intelligent healing to save me from my faul soul. My soul may now be clean, that's what I had hoped anyway.

I have been having impure feelings.. pains in my stomach and chest. And most worrying.. impure thoughts, It is disgusting that I have ever even thought that the leaders could be wrong... I am disgusting and I need to get cleansed by next morning meeting. I don't know how long I would hold out like this our lord the operator would most likely strike me down if I can't be pure.

Soft shivers run over my spine I feel my hands run through my (H/c) locks... The cleansening was so beautiful. I have seen it once or twice and now and I do hope the opperator will accept my clean soul and spare me... I feel the air leave my lungs and my baren feet softly make contact with the grass wearing the traditional robes I was told to. Everyone wore the same thing and there was total equality among the followers like myself. I was alright I saw lady Margret with her children a set of seven many around 8 to 13 and some infants. I was about to greet her like I would every sunday afternoon. But I felt this pang in my chest a throbbing painful ache and I couldn't help but to fall to my knees I could feel myself shaking and I remember begging for my gods to spare me "please.. spare me give me your mercy!"  I cried and coughed up what looked like the darkest clay out the river many thoughts breaking my mind but getting pulled back by my inmense pain although I dared not scream.. it would anger the opperater I have been told who screams loses their voice forever ripped from their throats to be eaten by their finest wine.

Lady margret had called for help and when everything faded I could see my leaders and their magical herbs, it gave me Hope to once again roam and honour our saviour.

when I woke up I was in a bath but I felt it burning.. softly burning my skin. I looked over my own arms and saw nothing out of the ordinary so I got out and reported my leave to which the nurse wasn't agreeing " I am sorry (Name) but I can't let you go. you collapsed and we need to see if you're safe and get you cleansed before nightfall" she'd explained her voice very much so filled with concern. I had always liked her voice but I would never say. I softly bow down my head and looked at her with a soft smile " Of course miss, I understand. May I bid to myself by our lords Imagery?" I had asked refering to the alter in the big cathedral like building. the walls filled with old ancient paintings of the tall man who would speak no more and the children he took for his own. The nurse had only taken my hand for a moment when I'd noticed It was cold and so I spoke " ma'am your hand it is quite cold. Are you alright?" she'd turned to me her face sprawled with confusion and she felt my forehead for a moment " my hand is alright (Name) but now you've risen my concern.. what is making you think it's cold?" she asked and my mind screamed different things but I had paid no mind NO the leaders were right they had to be! " I must be nervous for my cleansening lady nurse" I excused and she gently lead me to the alter where I could see and only collapse before the painting soft mutterings leaving my mouth like a chant " spare me give me mercy I beg my lord. I promise my soul as your proxy may feast upon me." repeating and repeating slowly my head starting to hurt and many of the images felt like they stared at me... " stop looking please... Be my judge no more" I'd spoken and clasped my hands to my mouth this was terrible I must be cleansed now I am getting worse I may NOT think this way I am disgusting I have one purpose I must be ready for our lord when he has his choosening...

The lights in the stained glass shone brilliant reds and vibrant yellows in my face and so upon the paintings I looked at them finally lifting my face of the floor to see one of the documented proxy... A white porceline face and brown brilliant locks.. If only I would be granted such an honour to see or even be chosen by them. To be their offer! To fullfil my purpose!

One can only be ready.. however now is not the time I need to have myself cleansed or else I'll be stricken..

YOU FEEL YOURSELF CHANGE (Creepypasta Reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now