Deleted Scene #7

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(Part 2 of 2)

From: Winter, 1st draft

Featuring: Almost Everyone

Helpful set-up: This scene takes place immediately after Deleted Scene #6. Definitely read that one first!

Also, an interesting note about this scene – you'll notice that I left notes for myself to describe Levana in a later draft. The reason is that, when I wrote this in 2011, I still didn't know what she looked like under the glamour! In fact, I didn't finally figure out Levana's true appearance until I wrote Fairest nearly two years later.

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Cress's heart leaped when Captain Thorne's voice filtered through the ship's speakers, ordering the doctor to report to the pod dock immediately. Her knees gave out with relief and she sank onto a nearby crate, her immediate fear slipping away.

The captain was alive. He had returned.

But new fears quickly moved to take their place.

Who was in need of a doctor? What had happened on Luna?

Was Cinder gone, for good now?

She glanced at the screen on the wall, waiting to establish a direct-link with Cinder, but nothing had come through yet. Panic scratched at her lungs—what if she'd failed? What if the link didn't work and they still wouldn't learn anything new about the palace or capture video footage of the queen?

Moments later, steps thudded on the ladder leading down into the heart of the ship. Cress launched herself off the crate and stood, hands wrapping around themselves, until a head of red curls arose from the hatch.

Scarlet heaved herself out of the hatch and didn't look at Cress as she darted into the medbay.

Cress stood, waiting, shuffling her feet. She could hear rummaging inside the medbay and was just taking a step forward when Scarlet returned with a pitcher of water and a first-aid box in her hands.

"What's going on?" she asked. "Is the captain all right?"

"Captain's fine." Scarlet tucked the box under her arm. "He brought the Lunar guard back with him though, and he's . . . where's the—doctor!"

Dr. Erland hobbled out of the corridor, fixing his hat atop his head.

"I've been summoned," he said, his blue eyes taking in the supplies in Scarlet's arms.

"Yes, good. Take this and pass it down to me."

Scarlet handed the pitcher to the doctor before disappearing back down the shaft without another word. His lips wrinkled as if he wanted nothing to do with the crew that had gone against his wishes, but he didn't argue when Scarlet asked him to hand down the pitcher.

"What can I do?" Cress said, dashing to the side of the hatch while Dr. Erland started to lower himself carefully, rung by rung.

Scarlet glanced up. "Any word from Cinder?"

Cress shook her head.

"Stay up there and wait for her."

Cress heard the door to the dock open and soon, both Scarlet and Dr. Erland had disappeared, leaving her alone again on the ship's main floor.

Deleted scenes from the lunar chronicles Where stories live. Discover now