Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

  "This has nothing to do with him although I have reasons to be every bit as annoyed as I want to be." Tulip brushed off a piece of confetti that attached itself to her leg. "He's annoying the hell out of me. I can't stand his ugly face."

Niesha gave her a suspicious look. "The Jasper I saw wasn't ugly but if you're talking about personality then I understand."

"Fine. He's aging well and I don't know anything about his personality." Tulip briskly swept where tables were once constructed and adorned with embellished gold cloth. She knew that nineteen was a big difference than twenty-nine so she had no clue what he was like as a person and she wasn't too interested in finding out. "He thinks saying 'I'm sorry' is miraculous. Just because I forgive you doesn't mean I've forgotten what you did and I want to be around you."

"But it isn't about you," Niesha said the words slowly as if it was something that should've already been common knowledge to Tulip. "It's about Sidney."

Tulip stopped mid-stroke, and the straw broom hovered over a sheet of confetti. The words felt like ice-cold water tossed in her face, startling her senses and freezing her with shock. She narrowed her eyes slightly trying to fully understand where Niesha was coming from. She couldn't see the exact angle so she finally fought the frenzied frustration and said. "This is about Sidney."

"Tulip, girl." Niesha stopped sweeping with a knowing look. "You know this isn't just about Sidney because if it was he'd be her sitter instead of someone you picked out from a website."

"That website is popular with vetted sitters and background checks. Carmen has a year of experience and sparkling references." Tulip declared, thinking of three of the wonderful things Carmen had in her resume. "She's skilled at what she does."

"So, her skill level is the only reason you shot down Jasper's suggestion."

"Ye—" Tulip stopped as something twisted in her stomach. Was it the faint realization that Sidney's development and psyche wasn't the only thing that went into her decision when it came to him? Or was it just because the last thing she ate was bacon-topped deviled eggs before the guest trickled in? Something in the back of her mind told her it was the former but she didn't want to admit that she had any shred of bitterness, but then again if she did she had valid reasons to do so.

The stillness of the night outside the venue made the silence between them louder than it was. Tulip took in a reassuring breath before she spoke. "I don't want Sidney to feel the pain I felt. I'm making decisions that are best for her."

"But how do you know he's going to do the same thing he did to her," Niesha said, then held out her hand to stop Tulip from jumping in. "He skied up ten years ago. That's a decade. You know how much development a person can do in ten years?" This time Tulip didn't move to speak so Niesha continued. "A lot. Plus, the human mind isn't even completely developed until the age of thirty-three."

"Okay." Tulip rolled her eyes. "I already know you minored in psychology. You don't have to flex."

"I'm not flexing." Niesha chuckled then got serious. "I'm just trying to give you facts. I'm your girl so I'm going to have your back regardless but this is about Sidney and from what you tell me...she likes the guy and they get along."

Tulip nodded. It was true. The girl even asked to call him and say 'good morning'. Of course, Tulip obliged. She wasn't cold-hearted. He answered on the second ring and the conversation lasted longer than morning salutations. Sidney even tried to make plans to invite him to her skating lesson this weekend. Tulip hurried her off the phone before solid plans were made. As she thought back on that moment it hit her, maybe her hesitation wasn't just about Sidney.

"You get on my nerves, you know that." She told Niesha as she started back sweeping confetti. "You're making points but I need to think some more."

Niesha nodded. "Just remember, you can't protect Sid from the world. If Jasper's still scum she has to learn that for herself or she'll build up resentment for not letting her see him."

"Thanks, Freud." Tulip teased. "Let's get back to cleaning so we can go."

As they swept the confetti and mounds and deposited them into trash bags, Tulip examined her feelings and decisions about Jasper and Sidney while trying to take her baggage out of the equation. She wondered if she could forgive and forget for Sidney's sake. Once she got into her car she knew she had to do one more thing before she entertained that thought. She input an address into her phone and knew her shower and sleep were going to be pushed further back.

Where do you think Tulip is going?

Do you think Niesha's right, Sidney will resent her if she doesn't let her see Jasper.

Is there a reason for Tulip to believe that Jasper will do the same thing to Sidney that he did to her?

Do you think the Townsend-Williams will back it to the wedding?

Do you think the Townsend-Williams will back it to the wedding?

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