Kirishima x Reader

55 1 4

Requested by: @Thespian_On_Whack

Sorry if its not to your liking, but I can rewrite it if you could like me too. :)

Kirishima's POV

I jogged over to (y/n), who was kneeling on the ground next to a pedestrian. "Need any help?" She looked up at me with eyes full of tears. "I hurt him." Was all she said before picking him up and bringing him to the ambulance that was parked close by. What had happened?

(y/n's) POV

The scene replayed vividly in my head. My quirk, Portal, allows me to send myself or another person anywhere, and even through time. (So you're Kurogiri, but cooler B) ) I was trying to move him away from the battle, seeing as he was already injured, but then Toga leapt out at me. (Let's just say that it's the LOV attacking)  I tried to dodge, but she hit me anyway. My quirk malfunctioned, causing the man make a 10 foot drop deeper into the danger zone. Eventually, the heroes won, but the damage caused would take a long time to reverse. I brought the man to the ambulance and explained what happened. A few yards away, I broke down. 

Kirishima's POV

I watched as (y/n) kneeled and started crying. She was so kind-hearted that she would take a bullet for a villain if she thought that they had a good side. "Hey, I'm not sure what happened, but I'm sure it wasn't your fault. You would never intentionally injure an innocent standby." She started to explain. "See? It's not your fault. Wanna come over to my place? I have snacks, and we can watch anime." (Where can I get a Kirishima?) 

"Sure." And off they went.

Yet again, I have NO IDEA how to finish a story XDD \

This is also short as all hell. Eh, it eez what it eez.

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