Mission 18(Rewrite)

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Author note: My second period teacher is giving us a break so I be able to write a chapter in today.

Author's note: Just like the other chapters, I am doing a rewrite because I didn't like how I messed up the books. XD

(Y/n)'s POV

Me and Dante were able to make it to the demon world, "Wow, so this is the demon world?" I ask Dante in a whisper tone in my voice.  Dante looks at me before he tells me, "To tell the truth, (Y/n). I have never been to the Underworld, so this is something that I have never seen before." Dante said to me.  We were looking around the area and the whole area is white, "It looks so different than I thought it would be like." I said to myself.  Dante looks at me before he tells me, "What do you think it would look like?" Dante ask me.  I looked at Dante before telling him, "I thought the demon world would be a lot of fire and the place would be red with fire around us." I said to Dante.

Dante just gives me a smirk before he tells me, "(Y/n), you watch too many movies." Dante says to me.  I looked at Dante before I just laughed at him, "Okay, you're right about that." I said to Dante.  We were walking straight before we noticed that there was no pathway, "So where do we go?" I ask Dante.  Dante looks at me before he points forward to make me look, "Look." Dante said to me.  I looked at where Dante was looking before I saw rocks moving towards us and it was making a bridge for us, "Well, I never knew about that." I said to myself. 

The rocks were still making the bridge for us, but we saw the portal was there on the other side of the bridge.  We jumped in the portal and we were in a check-board area, "Where are we?" I ask Dante.  Dante looks around the area, "It looks like a check-board area." Dante said to me.  Me and Dante just shrugged our shoulders before we noticed those statue demons, "That is a lot of statue demons." I said to myself.  Dante looks at me before he tells me, "Yeah, but we can get rid of them." Dante said to me.  I looked at him before telling him, "Alright, let's not keep the demons waiting." I said to Dante with a little smirk on my face.

We started to fight them, but there were a lot of demons and they were getting in our nerves, "Man, there is just no end to these guys." I said to Dante with a little tired tone in my voice.  Dante just slashes at the statue demon before he looks at me, "I guessed not, but we are almost close to killing these demons." Dante says to me.  I used my guns to shoot it at the statue demons before the statue demons were now dead, "Finally." I said to myself.  We noticed a portal, so me and Dante started to jump in the portal before we were in an area that is a white area.  

We were looking around the room and there we saw another rock bridge, but there were demons flying demons, "Forget them (Y/n)." Dante says to me.  I looked at Dante before we started running towards the portal that looks familiar, so we jumped in the portal and we were in an area that is really wacky.  Dante just held my hand before we started walking around the stairs, "That is a lot of stairs." I said to myself.  Dante looks at me before he tells me, "Yeah, there is, but if you get tired, you could always get on my back." Dante said to me.  I looked at Dante before telling him, "I'll be okay, but thanks though." I said to Dante with a small smile on my face.

Dante's POV

The two of us were walking downstairs and we saw a yellow orb before me and (Y/n) touched it and we were teleport to an area of where we fought the creepy bug demon and that kept shooting us with a purple ball light at us, "I never thought that we have to fight that demon again." (Y/n) said to herself.  We got on the demons back before I used my sword to slash at the demon, while (Y/n) used the electric guitar to hit the demon.

It was a good thing the demon was really easy because we were able to beat the demon again, "Good work." I said to (Y/n) with a small smile on my face.  (Y/n) looks at me before she tells me, "Thanks Dante. I am so glad that I have someone that supports me." (Y/n) said to me.  I just smiled at her before we were walking towards the light that was on the floor and we were teleported back to the area.

We were looking at the wall that has some colors of the orbs, "If that is lit up that means that we defeat them." (Y/n) said to me.  I looked at her before I looked at the wall to see the yellow orb was lit up, "Yeah, but does it have to be all of them or how do we do this?" I ask myself.  (Y/n) looks at the wall before she notices some writing, "Dante, we need to unite the lights, but it is like a circle to make them connect to each other." (Y/n) said to me.

I looked at the wall before I started to move my hand at the color orbs before telling (Y/n), "If we connect the green, white, and the light blue. We will get a small circle and maybe it could work like that." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) just smiles at my idea, "Yeah, that could work out." (Y/n) says to me.  We started walking upstairs to see a white orb before we touched it and we were teleported to see that ugly bastard that hurt (Y/n), "You again!?" I ask the demon in a pissed off voice.  

The demon just ignores me before he starts attacking us, "(Y/n) just avoid his cages and while he is running." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her head at me before we start fighting that demon again before he could attack us with his cages, we took off running away from the demon before we went back to attack the demon before we got rid of the demon, "Now that was for hurting (Y/n)." I said to the demon.  (Y/n) looks at me before she tells me, "I'm okay, Dante. No need to worry about me." (Y/n) said to me.

I just pulled (Y/n) closer to me before we left the area before we were teleport again, "Two down. One more to go." I said to (Y/n) with a small smile on my face.  (Y/n) looks at me before she gives me a thumbs up, "Wait a second... Isn't that female demon that tried to, you know do stuff to me...?" (Y/n) mutters out her words.  I looked at (Y/n) before giving her a kiss on her forehead, "Yeah it is, but we don't have to fight her if you don't want to see her again." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she walks away from the purple orb that is the female demon.

(Y/n) grabs my hand and we start walking downstairs til we see the green orb that must be the two demons, so we touched it and we were teleported to the two demons, "Round two." I said to myself.  (Y/n) just pulls out her guns and starts firing at them before we start attacking the two demons before they are dead, "I hope this works." (Y/n) says to me.  I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "Same here, (Y/n)." I said to (Y/n).

We were walking towards the light before we were teleported back to the room and once we got back to the area that had the wall before we saw the three orbs were connected to each other and a portal was next to it, "Ready?" I ask (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she tells me, "With you all the way." (Y/n) said to me with a small smile on her face.  Me and (Y/n) grabbed each other's hands before we started walking towards the portal.

Author note: sorry this chapter was short it's because I was trying to make sure that I don't make too long because of my online class that I am about to have soon so please forgive me.

Author's note: This is another rewrite chapter and I was able to make this chapter a little longer.

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