Mission 2 (Rewrite)

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(Y/n) POV

The door was broke off because of Dante kicking down the door down and there was demons that were approaching to me and Dante.  Dante turned around to see that his shop is messed up and I tried to comfort him even though he only show me a small smile then he starts to talking to the demons, "Damn it! You guys totally wreaked our shop! And we haven't even name it yet!" Dante yells out to the demons with a piss off tone in his voice.  Dante was upset that our shop was now ruined because of the demons but he was mad so that Dante threw his sword in the air so he can put on his red Trench coat on, while I was busy fighting off some demons myself, when Dante was done he sneezed, "Blessed you Dante." I said to Dante with a small smile on my face.  

Dante looks at me before he smiles at me before telling me, "Thank you." Dante said to me.  I noticed some of the rumbles fall down on Dante's shop and that made Dante even more pissed off, "I hope you all have enough to cover all this!" Dante yell out to the demons with a pissed off tone.  I could tell Dante was pissed off so I didn't talk to him after fighting some demons, but there was a demon that I didn't notice before it was too late the demon grabbed me and tried to take me away from Dante.  I dropped my sword because as soon as the demon grabbed me. I'll must've dropped it somewhere and I hope Dante can get me out of here.

Luck was on my side because Dante yelled my name out and started to shoot the demon that was holding me let go of me and I was starting to fall on the concrete floor but I was safe just in time by Dante because he catch me in his strong arms.  I started to blush really red and that's when Dante was hit by the same demon that grabbed me and that's when we fall and I hit my head pretty hard and that's when I black out.

Dante POV

Once I saw (y/n) on floor not moving I was pissed off that demon try to take her away from me, I don't if my brother Vergil wanted to do something to her and I don't get it.  (Y/n) is a full human and I don't know why he wanted to take a full human but I didn't have time to think I had to stopped that demon from taking (Y/n) away from me and I did like no but I love (Y/n) she was the first person that I love after all those years if it wasn't for her I would've been lonely without her, as so I was finished killing that demon.  

I had to hurry back to (Y/n) to see if she was ok and she was still out but I was hoping she would wake up and luck was on my side, (Y/n) started to groan as she was waking up and I was able to see her (e/c) eyes started to open, "Uuuhhh what happened Dante?" (Y/n) asked me.  I look at (Y/n) before telling her, "It's ok. (Y/n) you are safe with me for now." I said to (Y/n).   As soon as I help her up and that's when we noticed the street was shaking  and I did remember that my brother was part of it so I start talking to myself, "It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go?" I ask myself.  (Y/n) was looking at me before she ask me, "What are you talking about Dante?" (Y/n) ask me.

I'll look at (Y/n) before telling her, "My twin brother. Vergil." I said to (Y/n) with a piss off tone in my voice.  (Y/n) looks at me before she grabs my hand, "Dante. Whatever this guy that told you back inside the shop. Do you want someone there with you?" (Y/n) ask me.  I look at (Y/n) before telling her, "As long you don't leave my side." I said to (Y/n) with a little smirk on my face.  (Y/n) just blush before she does a playful shove to me, "I should be telling you that." (Y/n) muttered out to me.  I'll just tighten my hand at her hand to make sure that she knows that we will stay closed to each other and make sure that we got each other's backs.  Me and (Y/n) were looking at the tall building before we noticed the demon took off. 

I'll pointed my gun at the demon that took off before it was gone.  I put my gun away before I started walking but I was pulling someone, then I remember that me and (Y/n) we're holding hands, "Dante. You can let my hand go." (Y/n) says to me with a blush on her face.  I'll blush as well before we slowly let our hands go and we started walking towards the big building, "No doubt you've got some fun planned for me. Right Vergil?" I ask myself.  (Y/n) was walking next to me, "I don't know about your brother?" (Y/n) ask me.  I'll look at her before telling her, "It's like a long story, but I can give you the short version of it." I said to (Y/n).  (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her at me, "I thought my brother was dead, but he is alive and he doesn't think human-kind is good to him. He thinks demons should finished off human-kind." I said to (Y/n). 

(Y/n) looks at me before I see her looking at me, "Well, we can stop him together." (Y/n) said to me.  I look at her before telling her, "(Y/n). You don't know about my brother. If me and my brother are fighting each other. I want you to stay out of it because it's not your fight to fight my brother. We have more history with each other. I just want you to stay safe." I said to (Y/n) with a blush that was probably on my face.  (Y/n) looks at me before telling me, "Just don't die. I don't want to lose you." (Y/n) said to me.  I grabbed her arm before telling her, "I promised." I said to (Y/n) with a smile on my face.  (Y/n) smiles at me before we started walking.

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