chapter nineteen

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Lauren's pov

"Yeah. He sent me a message and said he was leaving."

"Let me check my phone. Maybe it was a misunderstanding sweetie."

I knew Eric had problems but he wouldn't go as far as to kill himself, right?

I  opened my phone seeing the text he had sent me.

With a shaky hand, I opened it.

The day you left the house with Philip was one of the worst days of my life. The house felt empty and I felt lost without you two in my life. Every room I walked into had so many memories of both you and Philip. I could hear your soft voice or phil's laughter in  almost every room. And with every memory , the hole in my chest grew larger. I  was never complete without you in my life even after Adam became part of it. You're my child's mother and that makes me part of you and vice versa forever. I know I'm two years late but I have to tell you that I am sorry. You never deserved such a shitty husband who pulled you down with him. You were like a sky full of stars on a dark night, so full of light and you'd never let me get lost. Each time I beat myself up because of how I looked, you always told me that you fell for my soul not my body. I never realised how much you hurt each time I said I felt alone. You loved me so much that it hurt. I never loved myself so I could never love you like you deserved to be loved. Every time I took of my shirt and saw the countless cut marks scattered all over my body, I felt worthless to you. All the late night talks,  tears and laughter made me love myself a little bit more. But when you left, my life lost all colour. It became nothing more than a blank endless black space. I  was fading away slowly till Adam came and stilled the process but when he left, it sped up. And now it's complete.
I'm sorry.  Love you. Bye

It couldn't be true. I  tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail.

Slightly panicking I called Adam who told me that he had traced his phone back to  the company and was on his way there.

I went back to Phil's room, who was now crying and started comforting him.

I  hope everything will be okay. 

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