chapter eleven

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One  and a half ears.

That's how long Eric and Adam had been together.

And now, in front of him stood the most amazing man Eric had ever known.

He was down on one knee, a simple ring in a small black box in his hand.

When Adam had told him he had a surprise for him after his trip, he did not expect this.

"Eric, I know that this is the last thing you expected to happen but I feel like we're ready to commit ourselves to each other and start our life together. I don't care if you don't tell anyone about us because to be honest, it's none pf their business. We've been through a lot together and I know that with you by my side we'll make a lot of new memories, both good and bad. So, will you marry me?"

Eric was  speechless.

He did not have any doubt about the answer, he was obviously going to say yes.

But there were going to be repuccasuons.

On one hand, he knew he couldn't live without Adam. The man knew him better than anyone else.

He'd seen him through his depression, enduring countless nights of him crying till the crack of dawn. He had held him together when he was broken and was always by his side , never leaving him.

Getting married would mean he had to tell the world about them since he couldn't exactly walk around with a ring on his finger and expect no one to ask him.

He would be forced to proclaim that he was a closeted bisexual.

Doing that could cost him his business and everything he had worked so hard for.

All his hopes and dreams would go down the drain in an instant.

And he knew he wasn't prepared to deal with that.

But looking at the man on his knee, he knew he didn't have it in him to break his heart.

Smiling, he said yes and watched as the ring was slipped into his finger.

He stood and they kissed before Adam pulled away and said he had to go and tell all his friends and family whilst Eric went to go get some rest as he was tired.

Butnhe couldn't get any sleep.

He kept tossing and turning in the bed, thinking about everything.

He loved Adam.

He also loved his company.

All throughout his childhood, all he ever thought of was owning his own company and being successful. And he had done it.

But he also wanted to be loved. Ever since he's brother's death, he had felt unloved and always craved for it and Adam had given him that.

He had to find a way to make it all work or he was screwed.

Adam had been patient with him but he knew that everyone had a limit.

Seeing that he could not get any sleep, he got out of bed and went to look at his schedule.

He was certain that it was going to be a busy one as he had closed one of the biggest deals in the company.

He had a lot of meetings and over a dozen interviews between the next day and the next weekend, after which he would have the weekend off.

Then a thought struck him.

If he could find a way to become a majority share holder then he could secure his position.

All he had to do was buy out a few minor shareholders.

Feeling satisfied,  he went back to bed.

He would talk to his lawyers first thing tomorrow morning.


over the edge|✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora