chapter two

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Taking another drag, he reminisced about the old days.

He recalled when he first met the person he would learn to love more than life itself.

Back then, he had been lost and hopeless. His son was six years old and his wife was filing for divorce. After seven years of being happily married,  or so he thought, he couldn't understand why she wanted a divorce.

He had given her everything money could buy. A good house, a great life and more money than she could ever need. But she claimed all she ever needed and wanted was his heart.

He didn't understand what she meant by that. How could he give her his heart? He knew he loved her, so did she , and he thought that was enough.

She asked him to come home earlier, spend time with her and their son and say 'I love you ' every once in a while. But he never did. He was always swamped with  work.

He missed all six  birthdays of his son . It wasn't that he forgot them, he was just too busy to attend the parties.

He would bring the boy presents later that night and all would be forgiven.

He smiled as he recalled the boy jumping into his arms squealing with hapiness, ranting about how awesome the parties were,  even saying how he liked a certain girl at the party.

"I love you daddy, always have and always will."

He had told him that and no one could take it away from him. The little boy who never saw faults in a father who was never present for him.

The day Lauren, his ex wife, had said she was leaving was also the day he met Adam , the one who would help him heal.

He had been walking into his company, DEMI production, named after his son's favourite cartoon character, when a man bumped into him, making both of them fall down.

He fell backwards on the floor whilst  the other man landed on top of him, face on crotch.

The other man stood up almost immediately, face flushed, muttering countless apologies.

"I'm so sorry sir. I was in a hurry and did not check where I  was going. I never intended to fall on your stuff."

"It's not a problem." He had said.

"I really am sorry."

"I've told you it's okay."

The man then smiled apologetically and as he was about to leave, he tripped on his shoe lace and made them fall, again.

"You're really falling for me, aren't you?" He had asked, smirking.

"I'm so sorry."

"Tell you what, I  was going to order breakfast in my office but I'll let you buy it for me as an apology,  okay?"

The man did not hesitate before saying yes.

"I'm Adam, by the way."


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