Ch.2 It will always take forever

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That was a long fall.

And it hurt like hell.

After making sure no one was around to witness my fall, I move some ways from the place I fell onto and sit down.

I need to take a breather. That was a long fall.

I'm lucky, if anyone had seen that then they may even call the cops or an ambulance even 911 or something.

I would have needed to move to another city again in the worst case.

I look to where I fell.

There's blood on the ground.

"I'll need to clean that."

I get up and start kicking dirt onto the blood until there ar no more traces.

It no longer hurts. But there's some stains in my clothes. Luckily it didn't reach my uniform, just my coat.

"I'm on a luck streak, hehe...he"

I turn silent.
Then head home.

On my way home i stop at a 24/7 and buy some take out for tonight.
I don't fell like cooking...

After eating, painstakingly cleaning my clothes, and taking a shower, I lay in bed with the lights off.
Looking for the moon outside my window, but it's covered by clouds.
I start reminiscing what happened on the cliff...

That was a Grimm reminder of my condition. I can never be like other people. I will continue to live a life of solitude as long as I'm... like this.

I'll always have to think of the future without a goal. I'll never experience a normal life. I'll never reach the end. I'll never...

I close my eyes.

I know this, I have known this for a very, very long time. I must never forget that life is not a curse. Appreciating every day is a blessing i can cherish... And I'll make sure I don't regret my past as I move to the future.

It's the only way I can live at this point.

I open my eyes and i see the moon, shining brightly through the dark skies of the night.

It's time to sleep.
It already is the next day.

I feel like i took a slap to the face yesterday.

I try to ignore my condition on a daily basis and live as carefully as i can, that fall still hurt after all.
So i tend to stop thinking too deep into my situation at a certain point.

But, yesterday i remembered i chose to live in the present. I feel like I need to unshackle myself to some extent.

Having to move again would be inconvenient, but it's not worth closing myself for the sake of avoiding it.

If I'm not enjoying myself and the people around me then there's no point in trying to stay here in the first place.

"You seem more motivated today huh"

Lewis is here as always.

"Yeah. A good night's sleep helps a lot"

"I'm relieved you can rest even while you help me."

"Yeah, it's nothing. I like to help whenever i can."

"Well that's great news because there's someone i would like you to meet."

A person enters the room.

"This here is Thomas Andrew.
He used to be my junior when i was in college, and i believe he has a lot of talent."
Lewis presents a young man in what seems to be his 20's to me.

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