Sakusa [Alphabet]

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This was requested by @trashykawa_123 so I hope y'all enjoy. Sorry I am too scared to do a lemon maybe when I'm emotionally ready for that again Ill come back to this chapter.
Warning: NSFW

[Sakusa's POV]
I watch as my 3 year old waddles up to me with a cute smile upon his cheeks. I'm waiting for my spouse to get home from work so I can start practicing, even though I'm on vacation I still need to practice for MSBY. I pick my child up and slightly cringe when I notice they have snot running down their face. I grab and glove and a tissue, putting the glove on I wipe my son's nose and then grab it with the glove and throw both away.

Once I finished, I hear the front door open as my lovely spouse came through the door wearing a tired smile. I calmly put my child down, "yeah yeah, I'm off to shower, so you'll need to wait just a few more before you can start practicing," they said walking towards our shared room. I look down at Tamoke, he seemed to be playing with letters blocks. I sit down with him and place blocks to form words and repeat them as if to help him learn words.

[Y/n's POV]
Once I finish showering, I change into my sleepwear....even though it's only 6. I head to the living room and see my lovely husband teaching our son the alphabet. "I'm all done you can practice now, about what time will you be done," I asked heading towards the duo. "About 7," he quickly replied. "Alright don't overwork yourself," I gently smiled, I grabbed my son and placed him in his highchair. "Would you like me to save dinner for you," I asked as he was getting ready to head to the gym. "Yes," he curtly replied walking through the door. "Love you," I yelled, hearing a soft response back.

Satisfied I worked on dinner, when I was finished eating with Tamoke, I packed up a box for Kiyoomi. Grabbing Tamoke who was nodding in and out of consciousness, I put him to bed. I closed the door and went to the living room to see all of his alphabet blocks on the floor. I sighed picking them up, it was about 6:55 so Kiyoomi should be back soon.

Exhausted I trudged to bed and crawled under the sheets. I hear the door to the living room open and pay no attention to it when I hear the familiar sound of a spray can being used. I hear soft shuffles happening around the room, then suddenly feel a shift in the bed beside me.

        I slowly cuddle up to the body beside me as I feel a strong arm wrap around me. I hear his soft breathing in my ear and I feel his heart beat on my back. His being calms me, from stressful work and I slowly drift off into a deep slumber.

       This is short but then again I'm gonna come back and add to this chapter so look out for it ;). Don't forget to comment and vote ^^

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