And then, it was so.

I hadn't even realised I had actually done it, still so focused on transforming, until I heard Paul's voice in my head. You did it, squirt. I'm proud of you! he said.

Holy shit is he in my head?

I heard his laugh. We can hear each other's thoughts in this form. It's because we're a pack. He spoke again.

I felt overwhelmed, scared, out of body, which caused me to subconsciously whimper as I cowered to the ground. 

Paul's wolf approached me and nudged my neck with his head comfortingly. Hey, it's okay. We're here with you. He assured.

It hurts. 

I know, that will go away. It won't be like this every time.

I want to be back to normal.

Ok. How about you go behind that tree and think of yourself as human, just like you did last time. I'll get you some clothes, okay?

I nodded my wolf head and slowly walked around behind the tree, stumbling slightly as I was unfamiliar with my new body. My whimpers were obviously heard by Sam who approached me and patted my head and nose. He was already a great alpha.

"You're going to be okay." he said in a soft yet confident tone. He then turned on his heel and allowed me to phase back, already warning me of my nakedness once I would turn back.

I did what Paul said, imagining my human form, what it felt like to be me, until I was all of a sudden cold and feeling vulnerable. I did it.

"Hey, put this on," Paul's voice instructed as he held a shirt out from the other side of the tree for me to wear.

I quickly took the shirt and put it on to cover my body and my now perfect skin.

Walking back out from behind the tree, I felt drained. I felt scared, overwhelmed and vulnerable beyond belief, and I think my face clearly showed it.

"Hey, come here." Paul cooed, pulling me into his chest comfortingly. I accepted his hug gladly, trying not to let my emotions get the better of me. "I know this is scary. We're gonna handle it, okay? Together." he promised.

I looked up at him from my place against his chest. "A day ago I was mad at you and left the house, now I'm apparently the first ever vampire-wolf hybrid, neither of those things I thought were real or possible but they are...and you're one, and he's one, and Sam's one....and I'm two?" I ranted, allowing my fear to overtake me.

"I know. it's terrifying and weird and I know it sucks. But everything happens for a reason."

I nodded as we walked. "What did I look like?" 

Paul smiled. "You were jet black, kind of like Sam's wolf. But your eyes were gold and you had white socks." I liked the sound of my wolf. 

Carlisle approached us. "If you don't mind, I think now that we know you are a hybrid for sure, some blood tests would be useful. And my family will need to hear about what you remember from the day of the bite." 

Sam followed in tow. "I'll call the pack, get them here for a chat."

"Seth's still here, I think he fell asleep a few hours ago." Paul added.

I stopped walking. "He's here?" 

"Yeah he hasn't left. Refused to leave you."

My heart swelled with compassion, gratitude, adoration. "I can't believe he stayed..." I whispered mostly to myself, knowing that the creatures around me would hear given their super hearing.

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now