𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖔𝖓𝖊

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—The three of them looked at each other. Jimin was on top of Hoseok who had widen eyes, he looked quite surprised that they both found him.

„Hobi, what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked and followed them behind the bush. The demon stood up and crossed his arms, looking at the elder. The oldest was silent for a moment until he stood up and brushed his pants from the dirt that was on the ground.

„I can ask you the same question.." Hoseok answered and looked at Jimin who rolled his eyes. He really didn't need another one to ruin his plans.

„Do you know that Jungkook is lost? We're just looking for him!" Taehyung said quickly, looking at his reaction. On the other hand, Jimin wanted to transform into his demon form and teleport to as far away from them as possible.

„Wait what? Jungkook is missing?" Hoseok asked with a surprised face.

„Tell me straight, why are you here?" Demon asked and locked his dark gaze with Hoseok, who immediately looked down.

„I thought you wanted to kill him..." He answered and Taehyung looked at him confused. He didn't understand what he meant, who wanted to kill whom? He's probably just kidding.

„Haha very funny. I wouldn't kill a fucker like that. I would get my hands dirty unnecessarily" Demon chuckled and Taehyung looked at him with widen eyes. He crossed his arms and his gaze went from one man to another.

„Wait wait wait... Why do I feel like you're talking about me?" Taehyung said, raising an eyebrow. Hoseok wanted to laugh, but since it wasn't the right situation, he preferred to be quiet. Jimin couldn't help and chuckled, glancing at Hoseok.

„Okay bitches. Let's move on. Now what's more important is finding Jungkook!" Hoseok snaped and locked eyes with a demon, as if they were talking through eyes. Jimin looked at the ground and nodded while Taehyung stood there with a confused face.


Jungkook awoke to the discerning blackness before his eyes. After falling asleep from sleepiness, he remembered absolutely nothing. Maybe it just seemed to him, maybe he was already so mentally exhausted that he felt like he was in another room. He didn't know why, he wasn't so cold now like before, but he still knew he wasn't wearing a T-shirt.

Because of his head still hurting, he didn't even notice the sound of the door unlocking. Only when it slammed younger did pay attention. He no longer had the strength to scream, he no longer had the strength to try to escape, even though he finally wanted to see the light of day. He had no idea where he was and no longer remembered when he had last eaten.

He flinched when someone quickly put the cloth down from his eyes. Of course, Jungkook left them closed for a while to adjust to the light, it is true that he had not seen the light in a few days. As his vision adjusted, he looked at every detail that was around him. His eyes noticed a beautiful, elegant room, everything gleamed, and for a moment he thought they had taken him to a hotel now.

„So.. Jeon Jungkook" Deep voice called behind him and he pressed his lips together, wondering what would happen to him next. Maybe they'll kill him in a while and he'll never see his friends again, he'll never see Jimin again. Maybe this is his destiny, maybe the future has prepared it for him.

„I couldn't pay attention to you because of my work. But now, I'm finally going to play with you a little bit" A voice said behind him and Jungkook tried to turn his head, but since his body was still tied to a chair, he couldn't see the man's face.

He felt an unknown hand sliding around his neck, squeezing it a little bit. But Jungkook decided to fight to his last breath. He bit into his hand with all his might, behind him came a painful groan but suddenly he could hear a dark chuckle from the man.

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