-Kidnapping Class 1A-

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-Author-chan's POV-

I was reading the usual: 'Reacting to the Dekuverse/Multiverse' when the idea just struck off my head. I was hoping if I would be doing this with a schedule, but you know... I don't have a proper schedule, now that I'll be stuck in home doing SCHOOL WORK.

I'm dreading life. But I don't want to go to heaven for that. I wanna watch more anime and see the Season 5 of My Hero Academia... 

I quickly scribbled the theater in my head and once the image was done, I was wondering this:

'So what will be my 'quirk'?' 

No. I am a human being with 0% that I have superpowers. 

Then an idea popped off my mind again. 'I will call my quirk... 'quirkless but magic''

Why not? I am quirkless in reality but we can have some magic in the story right? 

'Now how will I get the class? I'm typing right now, but I can't bring an anime-class here! That's impossible for a magic...' Boom. Another idea. And it involves 'breaking the fourth wall of the anime'. 

Yeah, that's a good idea. I broke the fourth wall a lot. Did I not?

'Alrighty! Let's goooooooo!!!' With that I snapped my fingers, and I ended up in a screencast of them in (insert random image from your head). 

'How do I break the fourth wall?' I mutter to myself. I looked around, but I was in a white room. RIP. 

'Guess I'll do whatever it takes to break it.' I placed my palms onto the glass. No luck. 

Punching it. No luck. All it was that affected me was that my knuckles were DEFINITELY broken and is turning pinkish to reddish. Gotta heal this quick!

Not the time. 

Kicking it with ALL my MIGHT (Capitalization there? 😏) No luck either. 

My leg that I use to kick is basically worn out after 5 attempts. (Only because of the corona I can't exercise outside, even if I don't want to if my parents want me outside, IT'S BASICALLY A DAMN DESERT HERE)

I plopped down in defeat. I give up. Then I saw a pickaxe in the corner. Why didn't I see that before?! Omg.

I grabbed it and basically smashed it through the glass. The glass broke, and everyone (class 1A, ahem) looked at the sound in confusion before shock.

'Oh. I forgot to start my introduction.' I sighed as I poke my head out. 

"Hey everyone! Welcome to the fourth wall!" I shouted. Everyone looked at me and asked:

"What's a fourth wall?" 

Although Izuku didn't seem surprised seeing me. After all...I did do something (ahem, TodoDeku fan fiction, the last 2 chapters, ahem)

Oh you gotta be kidding me. No time for explanations! I gotta hurry! 

"Trust me and come to the fourth wall, we are having a smol break from you guys doing what you are doing right now!" 

"What makes you think we're following you, we don't know you!" -Iida 

"Come in before I drag a classmate of yours, and do something to em!"

"We're still not gonna go!" -Yaoyoruzu

"I'll just take Izuku Midoriya and put him to sleep and sooooo" I snapped my fingers and our smol green bean appeared. I snapped again and he was soon unconscious. "If you don't want me to get another classmate, I will leave with this dude here!"

"Give us back Deku-kun!" -Uraraka

"Then I'll just... take him with me. Let's go smol green bean." I began to lift green bean when an explosion appearing in front of my face. Not gonna lie, but I just got a 'quirk' and it didn't affect me. 

"Well, I'm just gonna teleport you guys to my theater and your quirks won't work there." I snapped my fingers and BOOM they all disappeared. I dragged green bean with me and snapped my fingers again (my fingers hurt now).

And we're all in the theater. Oh boy I love how this goes! I imagine myself with no injuries and they also disappeared. Yay!

"Alright! We're gonna sit down and enjoy and I have to get Izuku over here, don't TALK." I dragged Izuku to the chair and he was strapped in. Not too tight though. I am sure he won't wake up anytime soon after a few verses. 

"Izuku Midoriya is our... uh... main character of this so-called verses called the 'Dekuverse'! And I am willing to know all your ideas and thoughts on it! It'll take awhile to load, but I will stop time and basically I'll fix it soon. (Ahem, writing up the whole verses)"

"And we'll just meet our Dekuverses I guess. Who's excited?"

No one dared to speak. Wow. They sure are tough. 

"You'll get to meet them one by one. Some may not have quirks, some may be a past version (maybe just one), maybe a future, some may be a villain..."

Just then the Dekusquad (not Todoroki or Asui, ahem) jumped out of there seats. "BUT HE CAN'T BE A VILLAIN! HE'S A SWEET BROCCOLI BOY!" 

"Yes, I am aware of that. But it's just his AUs, don't freak out. Although... there might be some true facts about them that can describe what was going on with your Deku." 

The class stayed silent. Even Explo-do is quiet once he heard that. Is he really nervous that will be revealed...? No choice dude! Everyone needs to know about his life! 

"I am PhantomPlayz140, or you can call me Cookie. I am the one who watched you all in My Hero Academia! And yes, you were recorded as anime people. Not to mention recorded from the fourth wall."

"What's a 'fourth wall' again?" Denki asked. 

"Your eyesight vision. You saw me through something right?"

"You came out of a glass like wall that was broken." Jiro pointed out. "Is that your quirk?"

"No." I shrugged. "Fourth walls are like your eyesight. Like you can see 3 walls in a square (or not) room. But you can't see the fourth wall, as in yourself."

"Ooooookay..." Everyone couldn't understand my words. (I don't think you guys do too.)

"Anyways! Let's get ready to meet our first one, okay?" I said, shaking off the questions.  "Don't worry, a few of you might know this version."

"Okay," everyone in Class 1A answered in unison. I snapped my fingers and a red portal appeared. "Don't use your quirks, even I won't know who this person is."

Suddenly a knife shot out of the portal and it hit the chair in front of Mineta, who screeched out loud. 

"Mineta, we need to see the Deku in-"

"THERE'S A KNIFE!" he screeched. Koda looked over and widen his eyes before screaming his head off. Of course I saw that, but I didn't really expect that! 

"Guess we're meeting a villain then..." I said out loud, interrupting, and everyone shot out of their seats once they heard that. 

"WHAT?!" they all cried out in shock. 

My Hero Academia: Meeting the DekuverseUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum