I. Coffeeshop Regular

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A/N: A coffeeshop Malum short story that nobody asked for, but I provided anyways. 

As a heads up, this story is very small, hence why it's a short story. And its probably not the best thing I've ever written, but I enjoyed making it anyways, so I hope you enjoy reading it too.

Also... who let me take photoshop classes again??? I'm sorry in advance...


You see, this wasn't intentional. Michael never planned on making it a routine to order the same exact drink as the cute boy in front of him every day, it just sort of happened.

When his semester started at university, Michael had discovered that every day he would be starting his day at the same building on campus, the Academic Forum. He had classes that started at 9:50 am there for both his MWF and TT schedules.

He also discovered that he would be spending a lot of time out of class at this building too because the classes he had after those morning lectures were in the same building or the building next to it. It was pointless to walk all the way back to his dorm on the other side of campus in between classes. He just decided he would use the two to three hours he had to spare in the building.

So that's how Michael ended up practically living at the cafe on the first floor.

The Academic Forum consisted of two floors. The bottom level was like a food court. It had a few shops to pick up food, plenty of seating, and of course the cafe at the entrance of the building. The top balcony level lined all of the classrooms in the building and had quiet areas for studying.

When Michael was put in the position to put his time in either of those places, of course, he chose the food-related option.

He figured out that he liked the little coffee shop the best out of all the areas because it wasn't as populated, the seats were much comfier than the hard plastic ones by the food shops, and he could sip on something delicious every day to keep himself occupied.

And after a few days, he noticed he wasn't the only regular there at the cafe. One boy in particular ended up catching his eye.

Like clockwork, Michael found himself lining up behind a handsome brunette waiting to get his drinks every day during his breaks.

He never really said anything to the boy, just admired him from behind. (And no, not in that way, even though he could admit he snuck a peek at that too sometimes) The boy had a lean but fit figure and his tan skin glistened even under artificial lights. He was beautiful really. The best part was when he turned around and Michael got to see his pretty face. His soft brown eyes, defined jawline, plump lips. Ahh, Michael was a goner every time he caught a glimpse.

He had developed a small crush on him as the weeks went on. The boy was just like a daydream to him though. He didn't expect anything to ever come from it. Michael knew realistically he'd never probably even get to talk to the boy because there was never really any conversation starter. They always just placed their orders and went their separate ways.

That was at least until Michael made a 'mistake' which turned out to be a wonderful twist of fate.

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