A Day of Embrassment

Start from the beginning

I rush to the parking garage and get in my car and drive work, I pass by Grind as usual to get coffee, and I'm at my desk at exactly 07:45.

Just as I'm about to sit down Riley calls me to her office, when I walk in she standing by her window looking at her gorgeous view of Boston.

"Yara, my husband will be coming by today so at 10:45 go to Catch 54 and get our usual order. Make sure the board members are aware that the meeting has been moved to today as well and don't forget to follow up on the appointment I made with Dr Shaw for my Lasik eye surgery for Friday next week. Make sure that it's scheduled for 3pm. That will be all." Riley says without turning around

"Yes Riley" I say with a small smile that comes with the mention of Lucas, I knew he was coming already, he told me so last night, but it's just nice to hear Riley confirm it.

I walk out of Riley's office and go to my desk to do what I'm supposed to do, when I'm done the anxiety creeps in. I'm a little nervous about seeing Lucas today, I don't know why, but its natural isn't it, especially for someone who doesn't have many friends and is as introverted as I am.

At exactly 8 o'clock my day of answering phones and telling people to hold commences, I'm so busy that I almost forget about Lucas, almost. By the time its 10:45 I'm already up on my feet, I stick my head in to Riley's office and say "I'm going to Catch 54 now, I'll be back in a bit, do you need anything before I leave?"

"No, I don't need anything, just make sure to be back before my husband gets here." she says without looking up from the paper that is on her desk.

"Alright." I say before making my way to the elevator. I go to the little restaurant across the street and get the food and I'm back in the office a minute before Lucas is set to arrive.

I leave all the food in Riley office on her coffee table, and I get back to my station and watch the elevator as though my watching it will make Lucas arrive faster. At exactly 11am on the dot the elevator opens to reveal Lucas's muscular body and his bright green eyes which are locked on me from the second the doors open.

When he steps out of the elevator I release a breath that I wasn't even aware that I was holding. He walks toward my desk and stops in front of me then flashes me his pearly whites

"Good morning Yara" he says

"Good morning Lucas" I respond with my own smile

"Did you sleep well?" he asks me with a smile still on his face

"I didn't sleep at all, you made sure of that" I say and as soon as those words leave my mouth I realise how it sounded

"Oh my god" I say before clamping my mouth with my hand, "I didn't mean it like that I swear I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to sound so inappropriate" I continue now panicking, I don't want him to think that I want anything more that friendship from him. Oh my god what is wrong with me, what if he thinks I'm too inappropriate and stops talking to me

I think Lucas sees the panic on my face before he then puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Yara, it's okay, I can take a joke" he's smile never falters. "Now if you excuse me I
have to go in and see Riley" he says without giving me a chance to say anything else, and with two long strides he disappears into Riley's office. When he's gone I smack my forehead with my hand for being so silly and embarrassing. I don't want to scare him off; I have to be careful, whilst also respecting the fact that he has a wife, I can't be making dirty jokes.

50 minutes pass by and I still feel the embarrassment from my conversation with Lucas even work can't distract me; I've been on my computer going through Riley's emails deleting the useless ones, replying the ones I can and making a note of the important ones that she needs to see for herself. The whole time my face and cheeks are still burning up from the shame I feel.

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