Lloyd was sitting in the library on the sofa while he leant against Kai who was playing with his hair. The calm serene moment though was very rudely interrupted by screaming of students hoping to escape Sargent.

The two bolt up right to see the Ivan wrapped in rope and dragged away. Sargent walked in to the room and when he saw Kai and Lloyd on the sofa he smiled and said. "Well well well I got three down three to go. You two get to become part of the hawkmoth team" Sargent said. "No thanks we are both on a much better team," Kai said. Sargent frowns and lifted his whistle closer to his face. "That was not meant to be a choice," he blew the whistle and the ropes appeared. "Run!" They both yelled getting up and running through the book shelves of the library. They ran to the opposite end with of the library and doubled back to the exit. They ran out to the courtyard and saw most of the student body plus faculty all tied with rope. Jay, Zane, and Nya were tied up in the back with dark purple rope unlike the rest of the class and also were being dragged in to a sports van for some reason. "We need to help them," Lloyd said. "Well you can join them since Hawkmoth would like a little chat with you all," Sargent said and Hawkmoth was smiling from his view of the event.

"Move," Kai yelled pushing Lloyd out of the way of a magic rope that wrapped around his body. Lloyd looked at him and they locked eyes. "Lloyd run!" He urges his boyfriend who nodded and ran for his life. He ran in to the boys locker room and blasted the door lock shut so he could not be found. "Lloyd?" A voice said behind him and he jumped. He saw Cole right behind him and he smiles. "Oh Cole thank FSM a familiar face. Everyone's been captured by that villain and I for one want to help," Lloyd said. "I do too, but how exactly?" Cole asks. "With our 'restrictions' I do not have a single clue," Lloyd said hanging his head.


Marionette managed to get away with out being caught and was watching everything take place. She found it suspicious that Sargent seemed to be after Nya, Jay, and Zane in particular seeing as he almost immediately went after them straight away and seemed really frustrated at Cole managing to get away. Lloyd too, but was not as much since he got Kai as a consolation who he tied with the rest of his friends and threw him in the sports van.

"How you do m'lady?" Cat Noir said appearing and Ladybug looked at him. "Something different is happening," she said. "What do you mean bug-a-boo?" Cat Noir asks. "Sargent was akumatized because he was about to loose his job so why is he targeting specific students while leaving the rest tied in the courtyard?" Ladybug asks. "Well he was loosing it to that master Wu guy and those guys already are his students, so he has a personal vendetta against them," The cat themed super suggests, but Ladybug was not so sure. "Maybe," she muses. "Come on lets game," Cat Noir said and jumped down to fight.

"Hey whistle mouth why don't you fight a fair game?" Cat Noir taunts and Sargent turned his head. "Aww the little kitty wants to play a game? Well then game on!" Sargent summoned a hockey stick and hockey pucks wreathed in purple flames appeared at his feet. He whistled and started shooting them at dangerous high speed that Cat Noir used his staff to block. Ladybug was about to help when she heard a door open and saw Lloyd and Cole sneaking over to untie their friends.

The four tied up friends urged them not to and too run, but they did not listen and were pulling at the ropes. Sargent turned and looked seeing the two. "Aww the last two players have joined the play," Sargent said. "Dammit!" Lloyd swears. Sargent blew his whistle summoning rope. Before it could tie the two up though Ladybug got in the way blocking it. She grabbed the two then swung away super fast. She dropped them at the outside of the school.

"That was very stupid of you two. Brave, but stupid," Ladybug said. "They are our family!" Cole said. "We can not just leave them they would not leave us behind," Lloyd said. Ladybug just gave them a sympathetic look. "They will be safe, but you need to let the heroes handle it," Ladybug said than swung away to help Cat Noir.

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