Chapter Twenty-Five*

ابدأ من البداية

I put him on the bed and lotion his body from head to toe then put his clothes on. He giggled the whole time.

"Alright you going night night in here and mommy will sleep in daddy's room okay Bubba", I hugged him and kissed his cheek and I tried to get out his grip but couldn't.

"Me go mama".

"No baby you sleep in your bed."


Did this little boy just yell at me?

"Nikolai who are you talking to", I tried to say as calmly as possible.

"Me go with you", he stands on the bed still gripping me while trying to get in my arms.

No having some good sleep tonight, I guess.

Picking him up I took him to Christoph's room and put him on his giant bed in the middle. I turn the tv on sprouts channel and made sure to put pillows surrounding him just in case he falls asleep . He is a wild sleeper and I don't need him on the floor, again.

Once I got him situated I went to take a shower.

After a few minutes I got out, got dressed and did my nightly routine before slipping into the bed with my baby watching this baby show unfortunately.


"Yes baby".

He turns his body into me, "I love you mama", with that he scoots deeper into my body and wraps one arm around my neck.

I kiss him and whisper 'I love you too' back. Then slowly drifted to sleep along with him.

* * *

Flinching I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist.

Oh no this person doesn't.

I quickly grab a pillow and start beating the person over the head screaming.

"Makayla! Makayla fucking stop with the pillow", I hear.

Opening my eyes that I didn't know was still closed. Focusing my vision I see that it's Christoph.


"Oh Chris I am so sorry".

"Damn girl, look before you start swinging on me."

I giggle at him, "oh please that didn't hurt you."

"Yes it did now I need a kiss to feel better."

I just rolled my eyes at his foolishness but I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"That's it? Really."

"Yep. So how was your meeting with your dad".

He slowly takes off his shirt and slides in behind me, "good I got the information I needed."

"And what information is that," I questioned. I want to know.

"Makayla please not right now."

I move his arms and pull Nikolai back to me, he was sprawled out next to me.

"Makayla.... baby.... Makayla baby".

"What Christoph you don't want to tell me I get it".

He sighed.

"It's not that. I just don't want to scare you away. I actually you maybe even more and if you was to leave like you did before I don't think I could take it again."

Turning my head to him while moving Nikolai to the middle of us, "really Makayla?"

"This is my baby so hush he is going to sleep with us but I like you too and I'm not going anywhere anymore and neither is this sweet boy. So please don't hold that against me anymore. We are going to talk about everything and then be together, okay". I leaned forward and kissed his lips multiple times before scooting closer to him but being mindful of our son.

"Goodnight Chris"

"Goodnight il mio amore"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1000 Words.

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Hey Peeps !

Filler Chapter

A lot of the actions Nikolai is doing I'm getting from my first god baby on the daily so just a heads up .

There is going to be time jumps coming soon just to speed things up slightly so we can get to some drama drama.

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