Iron Cowboy saves the day

Start from the beginning

He could hear Shuri's pulsers. She was still holding strong, but for how long?


Peter looked Harley in the eye. "Please Harley I have to do something, those are our friends"


He could see that Harley did not like that. It was written all over his face. 


"You'll get killed, you're already severly injured and don't forget about your face. They'll know who you are." 

Harley loosened his grip and let Peter stand. 

He felt dizzy and the room spinned, but he pretended that it didn't. 


"The point of the secret is that people around me don't get hurt. There is no point in it when it's preventing me from saving them instead!" 


His dizziness got the best of him and he fell. Harley managed to catch him and supported him up. 


"Peter… What saving can you do in your state?" Flash said carefully.


Peter blinked at that. He knew it was true, but it sucked. His eyes were watery. He felt so weak and useless, he never felt like that before. 


"I don't know!! I don't know."


Harley glanced at him and something changed in his expression. He shifted his hold on Peter to one arm and activated his comm system. 


The reaction was immediate. 


"Harley! Thank god I got a hold on you" Said Tony.

"I've been worried sick. How is Peter? How are you? Fuck. I need to know, is he- is he alright? Is he-" 


"Peter if fine… for now. He needs medical attention." 


Tony's sigh sounded like a weight was lifted off his shoulder. 


"Hell Peter! Are you listening in?! What the hell were you thinking?" Peter cringed. 


The moment Tony got off worried dad mode, he changed into scolding dad mode. Both very dad-like. 


"I'm sorry Mr Stark I- uhm I didn't think it was gonna be such a big deal. There were these simple burglars but they weren't burglars, they were recon and then those armored guys showed up- and... yeah." 

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