Your First Fight

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~Your POV~
I was brushing my hair as I was sitting down at my vanity, getting ready to hang out out with my friends. "Where are you going?" A voice asked me.

I looked in the mirror to see Five leaning against the doorway. "I'm going to hang out with my friends" I replied "what friends?" Five questioned.

"Angela, Sherri and Marcia" I said in annoyance. Five has been getting on my case lately about who I hang out with and telling me what to do.

"Why those girls?" Five questioned me "because they're my best friends" I said.

"Well, I don't want you to hang out with those girls" Five ordered. "You're not my mother" I grumbled.

"What did you say?" Five asked me "I said you're not my mother!" I shouted at him. "You always tell me what to do and where I can or can't do!" I yelled.

"I'm just trying to protect you!" Five shouted at me "I don't need protecting! I can handle myself!" I hollered as I stormed out of my room.

Five spacial jumped in front of me "the hell do you you're going?" He asked me. I used my power to lift Five up and softly threw him on the couch.

I never used my power on him and me spacial jumped to me again. "Tell me you did not just use your telekinesis on me" Five hissed.

"I did" I simply said as I pushed him away and walked out of the academy with Five staring at me from the front door.


~Your POV~
I was waiting for Klaus at the academy for our date to the movies but he was late. Again.

Five walled out and he was holding a book while reading it in one hand and his other hand was behind his back.

"(Y/N)? I thought you went out with Klaus to see that new movie" Five said as he stopped in front of me.

"That was two hours ago...he's late..." I muttered as I looked up at him with tears in my (e/c) eyes.

"Now, now, thorns, no need to cry" Five said as he wiped the tear that rolled down my cheek.

"Baby! I'm *hic* home!" A voice cheered as I looked over Five's shoulder to see a drunk Klaus, stumbling over his own feet.

"I *hic* missed you" Klaus hiccuped as he tried to hugged me but Five pushed him away.

"What the hell *hic* i-is the matter with you?" Klaus questioned as I didn't look at him. "You. You were two hours late for your date with (Y/N) and she finds out you were shit face drunk" Five spoke.

"Baby..." Klaus said as I figure he was sobering up. "Don't baby me, Klaus..." I said as I glared at him.

I got up and walked away from him as I clenched my fists. "My sunflower...please" Klaus began "shut up! This is the third time you were late for our date and I'm sick of it!" I yelled.

"I have to live a little! I'm a grown man!" Klaus shouted at me.

"You have no idea what I've gone through! My dad locked me in a cemetery! My siblings barely care about me!" Klaus yelled.

"You don't know what I've been through! My parents kicked me out because they said I was a freak of nature and my brother...I don't even talk to Dallas...he thinks I'm a disappointment!" I hollered.

I clenched my fists and stormed out of the academy as tears filled my eyes.


~Your POV~
I was talking and laughing with Ben at the academy as he talked about how him and Klaus got chased out of the mall by a group of angry teenaged girls for throwing water balloons at them.

"Then...then the blonde girl almost pepper sprayed Klaus!" Ben stated as we laughed more.

"(Y/N), can we talk? Alone?" Diego asked as he poked his head in the main room, where me and Ben were.

"O-oh um...sure" I spoke and Diego and I went into Reginald's study. I sat down on his desk as Diego stood in front of me.

"What's your goal here? Make me jealous or something?" Diego questioned me. "Excuse me? What was that?" I asked him with anger in my voice.

"You! You're always laughing and giggling with Ben!" Diego hollered "he's my friend, Diego, you don't see me yelling at you about flirting or whatever with Vanya o-or Allison!" I yelled.

"Because they are my sisters!" Diego hissed "technically not!" I snapped at him. "Y'know what?! I don't need you or this!" I yelled and ran out of the academy with tears running down my cheeks.

You guys never fight.

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