How You Met

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You'll be ten in this
~Your POV~
I was coloring at the dinner table as my two older brothers, Jimmy and Kenny were watching TV. I have telekinesis and mind control, but I still need to practice.

Then, I looked up to see a nicely dressed man with a cane. "Um...hello" I spoke "hello Number Eight" the man said.

"Excuse me?" I asked "your mother has told me that you have special abilities" the man stated and I slowly nodded.

"Could you show me?" He asked and I used my mind to turning the water faucet.

"Wonderful, you'll be coming with me to my academy to learn to control your powers" the man said and I froze.

"W-what?!" I asked and the man grabbed my hand and dragged me outside where my brothers watched from inside.

Timeskip to when you get to the academy

I was in my new room and a uniform and took a deep breath as I put my (h/l) (h/c) hair in a braid.

"Eight! Come downstairs!" The man that is named Reginald called out. "Coming" i spoke and slide down on the railing of the stairs.

I smiled as I was met with seven children. "Now Eight, you must have manners and you can not do things like that" Grace said.

I sighed softly and slowly nodded "now children, this is (Y/N)" Reginald stated "Number Eight, this is Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, Vanya and Five" he spoke.

I smiled as I noticed Five staring at me and I playfully winked at him. He blushed and I went to my room.

I heard a noise and I looked to see Five in my room "hello Five" I spoke and he smiled "hello Eight" he said.


~Your POV~
I was sitting in a dirty alleyway as I leaned my back against the wall and I hugged my knees.

I looked at my wrist in my right arm, I looked at my sunflower tattoo. "Shut it, Ben!" A voice yelled and I was confused because I didn't hear anyone say anything back.

I looked to see a tall man with brown hair walk into the alley and I jumped as I put my hood over my head.

I then felt someone fall on top of me and I looked up to see the man. "Sorry about that" the man stated and I stood up.

"It's fine" I mumbled and helped him up off the ground. "She is cute" I heard the man state as he looked to his right.

"O-oh! Thanks" I spoke "huh? Oh! No problem" the man replied.

"I'm (Y/N)" I said and put out my hand "Klaus" he stated and we shook hands.

Klaus then look at my wrist and gasped "woah! Your tattoo is so cool!" He gushed. "Thanks, it's symbolic" I stated "for what?" Klaus questioned.

"Promise not to freak out?" I asked and he slowly nodded. I then focused as a vine wrapped around my leg and wrist.

I looked at Klaus and his eyes were wide "that's so badass!" He said "I can talk to the dead!" He admitted.

"Is that why you were talking to someone on your right?" I asked and he nodded "I was talking to my dead brother" Klaus spoke.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your dead brother" I said as he chuckled softly "it's alright, he's pretty cool to hang out with sometimes" Klaus replied.

I smiled Klaus took ne to this big mansion to meet his family.


~Your POV~
I walked into the police station as i fixed my ponytail. "Hey Officer (L/N)" a voice called out and I turned to see Officer Patch.

"Hello Patch" I spoke and she was working at her desk and a tan skinned and handsome man was at her desk. "Who's mister mystery?" I asked as the man looked up at me.

"(Y/N), this is Diego. Diego, this is (Y/N)" Patch said and I tried to shake the guy's hand, but his hands were handcuffed together.

"What happened?" I asked him "the guy was trying to get some files" Patch stated.

"Wow, curious thing, aren't you?" I asked as I jokingly pinched Diego's cheek. Diego swatted my hand away and I chuckled softly "I'll be at my desk" I stated.

I started to walk to my desk when I heard a "wait!" I turned to see Diego looking at me and then he quickly wrote something in a sticky note.

I walked to him and he gave me the sticky note. I looked at it 'xxx-xxx-xxxx call me, officer'.

I smirked and nodded as Diego smiled and I went back to my desk.


~Your POV~
I was at the bank with my mom when a bunch of men with ski masks came in. I froze as my mom pushed me behind her.

"Get down! Right now!" A man yelled as he pointed a gun at a woman and then pointed it at me.

I jumped as the man tied my mom and a bunch of other people up and put them in the corner.

Then, six kids my age came into the bank and a girl told a robber something that made him shoot his friend in the foot.

I froze when a robber grabbed me and aimed a gun at my head "stay back you freaks! Or the girl gets it!" The robber threatened.

I started to cry as I felt the man's grip loosen and I turned to see a boy lifting up his shirt a little and octopus tentacles grabbing a bunch of the robbers.

"Go untie the citizens" the boy said and I nodded quickly and ran to my mom and the others.

I quickly untied them and my mom hugged me tightly as I sighed in relief. "I'll be right back, you can head home" I spoke and my mom hesitantly nodded.

I smiled and ran to look for the boy that made the octopus tentacles. I soon saw him covered in blood, walking out of the vault.

"H-hey!" I shouted and the boy look at me and I hugged him tightly, not carring if I got blood on my clothes.

The boy jumped a bit but he then hugged me back. "Thank you so much" I spoke as I let go of him.

"O-oh! It was nothing, I was just doing my job" the boy replied "what's your name, anyway?" I questioned.

"Ben" he stated "well Ben, I'm (Y/N)" I said and he smiled. "Oh here" I spoke as I grabbed a tissue box from the bank desk.

I grabbed a few tissues and I softly wiped the blood off of his face. There was a hint of pink on his cheeks "I hope to see you again, Ben" I said.

I left the bank while hearing "ohhh! Benny boy gots a crush!" And "yo-you should res-rescue m-more girls if it g-gets y-you a c-cute girl like that."

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