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You hate them! I state them! So let's get to the rules! (I've done this joke before....;-;)
You must've played the games first episode to understand what's it about, it's free on the App Store so it's not like I'm forcing you to buy anything ^^;
One crush and one backup, no love triangles. There's only 4 love interests we see in the game, so take two and we're already down by half the amount.
You can either take the place of Sue (plus her backstory) or have your own oc. You cannot, I repeat, cannot make your oc Sue and change up the whole backstory. This isn't MysticMessenger where the characters backstory doesn't matter to the actual story, sues backstory is the back bone of the entire story, you can't just change it drastically. Small details is fine but don't just say her father was abusive and abused her mother too oki? -.-"
Play my crush and I'll play yours, self explanatory
I'll have one oc. You can submit two ocs, but can't use them at the same time unless the other one isn't with one of the other characters and is just a side character.
Please make the characters name realistic to the place that they are in. This is Las Vegas, it's mostly American English names, of course if you specify their race in the form to be Japanese, then you can. However their appearance must look as though they were Japanese, even just a little (anime pics are fine).
This is a Korean dating sim, it's anime style, please use anime pictures or anime like drawings. It breaks the immersion if you use an actress picture.
Don't make your oc a carbon copy of mine. I'll notice if it is. Read my ocs before making your own.
No Mary Sues please, those annoy me. I've made Mary Sues in the past as well, and since then I've grown once I made my ocs have at least two REALISTIC flaws. So on your form, have at least two flaws listed or I won't accept you in.
Tagging me your ocs are fine
On the topic of tagging, tag me once every five hours if I don't respond, I might be busy or might not wanna rp today and Wanna hang out with my family. It happens to me sometimes and I'll try to tell you when it does. Password is what rule is most important and why.
No harassment or bullying of any kind. If it's between two characters then fine, but not to the Irl person or you will be banned. Pm me if there's any troubles like this.
If you're homophobic and going to smite others for being part of the lgbtq+
Then get the fück outta my sight.
Lgbtq are absolutely allowed! I have no problem with it, you do you! ^^
That being said, don't do it cause it's a fetish of yours or somethin. That's just wrong.
Don't always have your character depressed all the time. Depression in your oc is fine, but don't make it to where your oc wants to kill him or herself in front of everyone in the casino. That's just ridiculous. Also don't romanticized mental illness. Just. Don't.
Don't make too much major changes to the games storyline. It's no fun if it's a completely different story all together.
If you don't take of Sue nor your ocs crush is Mowan, then I will have sue and mowan get together.
Please be descriptive and in third person. 3 lines minimum and please use details in yours. If you're having a tough time thinking of something, tell me and I'll understand, I get that way too.
Script will only be allowed if we do a conversation where the characters are talking in text.
Use your passcode with your forms

More will be added at a later time.

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