Sing, Sing, Sing

Começar do início

There, a microphone stood tall and erect with a piano off to the side, a human boy at its seat. Looking back to the center, Jim looked in curiosity as a human girl came to stand by the microphone. A loud voice, its location unknown called over the applause of the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...Lucy!"

Jim looked back at the girl. She looked at the piano-man and nodded as he began to play. Then, she sung. Jim could hardly believe what he was hearing. Her voice seemed to silently call, beautifully dancing over notes and rhythms as she continued her tune. And she was...stunning. Dirty-blonde hair done up in an elegant bun with a sparkling red dress that fell to the ground. She held to the microphone stand with gloved hands, letting her song carry out among the crowd. 

It was then, that while her eyes glanced around at her audience, she caught sight of Jim's. For a few seconds they made eye contact, her dark eyes looking at Jim's steely blue ones. She seemed to slow in pace while they did before she looked away, getting back in time with the piano.

Jim's eyes widened, his mouth opened in shock and awe, not realizing that Silver just returned, taking his seat across from the boy. He didn't even register that the cyborg was speaking to him until a metallic hand waved in front of his face. "Hey-o! Jimbo, lad! Ye alright in there?" Jim shook his head as if to shake something away, looking back at the ursid. "Sorry, what was that?" Silver opened his mouth slightly, eyes looking at him in curiosity before he looked up at the stage. Then, he looked back at Jim, a mischievous look on his face. "Somethin' catch yer fancy?" He asked slyly.

Jim felt his face flush, and he immediately brought his drink to his mouth to try and hide the growing blush creeping to his neck and ears. "What-what makes you say that?" He stammered, trying to sound nonchalant. Silver began to grin. "Lad, I don't t'ink I've ever seen ye that red! And look at'cha, ye got stars in yer eyes! Don't play dumb wid me, bucko," he said, laughing deeply, poking Jim in the shoulder. Jim shrank into his jacket a little, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay, so I think she's pretty, but everyone else here does too, alright? No big deal," he said, glancing down to his right. Silver waved a hand. "Lad, everyone here thinks she's pretty in an outward way, but no-one else is lookin' at her like ye are. Ye should go speak wid her when she's done huh?" The cyborg remarked, leaning on the table. 

"Ehh...I dunno."

"Oh, come on! Whaddya have to lose?"

"Maybe later."

"Ye scared, laddy?"


"Then, go do it!"

"I will tomorrow."

Just then, Jenny came with their food, setting down bowls of soup, plates with side dishes, and a small basket of bread. Jim felt relieved at the interruption, eagerly digging in to try and prevent Silver from carrying on their banter. It wasn't great food, but it could have been worse. Nothing was rotting, so that was a plus. The lad looked back up at the girl as she finished another song, waving a hand at her shoulder as patrons tossed coins up at the stage, the gold's sound against the wooden planks making an echoing clatter. She began her next tune, her voice making Jim feel strangely relaxed as he watched on.

"She sure sings pretty," Silver said, taking a bite of the sliced bread in the basket. Jim gave a half-grin, not looking away from the dame. "Yeah," he said. "She sure does." They finished their meal in time for 'Lucy' to complete her last song. Jim flicked a coin to the stage as complimentary appreciation, clapping as she waved at her audience. 

"Thank you all for coming tonight, it's been a pleasure! Make sure to come back soon!" She said sweetly. She smiled, but her expression Jim frowned a little. It didn't look like a real smile. Then, her eyes sweeping the room, caught Jim's again. This time, he grinned, clapping. Her red lips turned upwards slightly, more genuine, before letting her eyes leave his. Then, the curtains were drawn and she went out of sight. The lights returned as men from behind the curtain appeared to collect all the scattered coins on-stage. 

"Well, Jimbo. We best be gettin' to bed, huh?" Silver asked, standing. "Yeah," the boy replied, following the cyborg as they made their way to some stairs. Up two flights and down a narrow hallway, and they were standing outside their door. They opened it with a key Jenny gave them earlier, revealing two beds on either side of the room, a dusty dresser in-between them in front of a musty window. There was a cramped closet and small bathroom inside, on the left. 

Silver was asleep in his bed before Jim finished taking his jacket off. Hanging it on the bedpost, the boy got onto the firm mattress, pulling the thin covers over himself as he laid his hands under his head. He looked up at the ceiling. "Tomorrow. I'll go talk to her tomorrow." He thought to himself, drifting off to sleep.

There Be Treasure Await'nOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora