Something is wrong...

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Chapter fifteen. 

One years later...

“Oh no this is bad.” I cursed and I looked up to my grandmother, realisation dawned on her face. Her face turned hard like a rock as she barked out commands.

“Pack your things, we’re heading there immediately. Andre, get the jet ready.”

Something is very very wrong…


 My internal warning system was blaring like crazy, screaming 'DANGER DANGER' like the damn banshee. I know there was something very wrong with the situation. It was too quiet, just too quiet for my liking and it was fishy as hell. One year of absence and this is what i return home to—desolation. 

 "What is the meaning of this?" Beats me, i'm thinking the same thing.

"I don't know grandma." 

"Hestia, for the last time you shall call me grandmother." I rolled my eyes as she huffed, looking quite ridiculous with her petite white parasol and silky equally white dress that ended below her ankles and that tight chignon bun proving how uptight she really is. 

I bet i was the only one in the family who could stand her—one year did miracles. She really is a softhearted person under all her cold old lady exterior. "Right...grandma."

"Where are they?" She decided to ignore my last comment.

"No clue but i have this really bad feeling. Come on, we'll settle you in a hotel or something for the mean time." I took her bag and booted it in the trunk. I always trusted my instinct before and it never failed me. My ‘trainer’ that I fondly called sir rather than big mafia guy called shotgun. At least I know his name is Andre…after six months of hell.

"This is obnoxious.” She stepped into the car after i opened the door for her. "Yea, well, I doubt manners were the first thing they had in mind when they send a ‘help’ message.” Just wait till she meets Vulcan. I drove to a nearby hotel, only the best for my grandma and checked her in, set her luggage in her suite room and kissed her on the cheek.

"I'll get you when i'll get you, keep her safe sir." He nodded and I waved her goodbye and took the lift down to the lobby. I drove back to the house, stopping the car at a nearby park. I wasn't worried about any werewolves tracking me cause i was getting fairly good at masking my scent. 

Sneaking past the gates and the shockingly lack of security which I am highly offended by, I’m proud of my home security system damn it, and stealthily made my way to the balcony of Caerus’s room. The only room I know would be accessible at all times.

My eyes went wide with discovery, rogues…inside the house, very recently. The stench’s so strong—I scrunched my face up and it still stunk. Correction, lots of rogues and they are still inside the house. I was on high alert, this place was infested with these vermin’s. My freaking home! The house I was raised in. Oh, these suckers were in for it good!

I crept along the walls, peering into open doors and very careful of the closed ones. This is the time I hate not connected to the mind link of my family’s—in case they were kept prisoners in here. With quick and silent steps I made it downstairs, so far not even one rogue had crossed my path but the stench was stronger downstairs where all the important rooms were. Unlike the two levels up that only had bedrooms.

Big fat chance they were down there.

And they were, laughing freely and making stupid asshole jokes that held not an ounce of intelligence. I bit my lower lip from growling cause I don’t need to hold a siren and a huge blinking sign that says ‘free snack here’. I could only handle only so many wolves at a time.

My fool of a mate (ON HOLD and editing)Where stories live. Discover now