Happiness in the air

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Finally got it out~ and my quick nap wasn't as quick i thought it would be :/

Chapter 4

Waking up in the morning I realised how I can’t stop thinking about him at all. Never had I ever felt this way, maybe it’s the guilt of spilling smoothie on his brand new shirt, I don’t know. Perhaps its nothing, just a phase I’ll recover in due time and i'm just making a big deal out of it. Glancing at the clock, I finally got up and hit the shower. “I bet its nothing.” I whispered to myself in the mirror. If i convinced myself hard enough, i would believe it.

I knocked the huge doors of Caerus’s bedroom door but there wasn’t a response. I knocked on it again, still no response. I knocked again and again and again, still no response. Sigh, it’s seven in the morning. School starts in an hour, I’ll cut him some slack for once…not.

I ran down the stairs and continued to run outside, stopping right in front of Caerus room’s balcony, which was at the top floor.  I took a few steps back and ran with all my might using a stump as a launch board. I leaped and perched on rails without a hitch.  As my feet touched the cold black marble floor, I dusted my hands clean. I could just kick down the door...but...i did it once and got me in heaps of trouble. Don't want to repeat that mistake, ever!

Grinning, I slid the sliding door of the balcony open. Caerus was in his usual posture, sprawled on the floor with the control in his hands once again. If it was me, my neck would be seriously sore by the time i woke up.

Wait a minute! I knew I hid that darn thing! I waltz into the room with my ninja silent steps. My quiet steps brought me to the bathroom, closer and closer I crept to the sink and filled the bucket. I sneaked up on Caerus’s sound asleep body and sprinkled some water on his face, he didn't even move. That's plenty of mercy right? 

Smiling to myself,  i dumped the whole thing on him.

He woke up alright.

Wildly trashed around and screaming a whole lot of profanities. There was even some I never knew exists. I could use some of those.

“What the hell?! Hestia?” He quickly got up and ran for the game console, pfft as if that could save him. I took off in the same direction with a different purpose. He was half asleep, stumbling on his own feet and fell face first. I reached for the ‘damned creation’ and threw it off the balcony, it hits the ground in a matter of seconds with a loud cracking sound--perhaps a crash or even a boom, no that's exaggerating--but all in all it broke. 

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! MY BABY!” He shrieked like a girl in her pms and ran for the stairs. Once he got close to the game console he kneeled with his hand on the dirt and his hand down in misery. He wept, “Daddy has failed you, little one. Rest in piece.” I watched him dug a hole and buried his ‘child’, all from the crime scene.

“This wouldn’t have happened if you had just woken up when I knocked on your door…” I glanced at the digital clock on the wall. “Fifteen minutes ago.” He yelled and screamed how I had just brutally murdered the one thing he cared for and bla bla bla.

“Get your lazy fat ass up here or do I have to drag you myself?” I narrowed my eyes menacingly. He whimpered and took no time at all to get himself ready for the day. I flashed him an approving smile of his clothes selection and went to get changed myself. Oops, hypocrite, I know!

I wore a simple white button up shirt and matched it with a simple tight knee length pencil skirt. I popped the first two button open, sprayed some perfume and wore a pair of dangling diamond earrings. I grabbed a pair of BCBG Girls strappy heels then trotted off downstairs after grabbing my red one shoulder bag. Not wanting to use any branded handbags when I’m still a student, who needs to carry books here and there so I might as well be comfortable.

My fool of a mate (ON HOLD and editing)Where stories live. Discover now