Smooth smoothie

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A short chappie just to get it moving along, already 3/4 of the next chapter so hopefully i'll get it out after this. ENJOY!

Chapter 3

The trouble in shopping with your mother is that if you don't like shopping at all. My mother came out of her so-called quote depression un-quote when she heard the word shopping and my dad gave us the unlimited platinum credit card.

So the only thing that kept me glued to her side was the crazy glint in her eyes when she saw a shoes or other girly girl things which- I might add- scares me. We've been strolling for straight four hours and my mom just kept on going. The mall was filled with teenagers like me, hanging out by the fountain or in the cinema.

"Hestia! C'mere!" My mother squealed. I was used to it by now; my mother acting like a teenager. My mother is only 42 but she looks like 25. Ah, the beauty of being a werewolf.

Oh, and speaking of being a werewolf. I was starting to pant from the heat - stupid AC! I really need to drink. Even considered drinking on the fountain but I stopped myself, seeing the students from my school. That’s going to be so embarrassing . . . Not that I would do it if there were no people either.

I sighed in irritation but refrain myself from showing it, she will be crushed. My mother. Tsk, tsk. My sweet sensitive mother. Not only did she look younger but also she acts like one, like a baby, I mean. That explains why my father is always so protective of her- We are protective of her. She can be depressed just by the little sad things like when Mufasa died in Lion King but that's another story to tell.

“Yea, mom?” She smiled at me and waved her hands, signalling me to come closer.

She held an amethyst and diamond in platinum necklace to my neck and smiled to herself.

“This matched those eyes I’m so fond of! The vibrant amethyst flakes in your faded light green, strange but beautiful.” She grinned and purchased the item without a doubt. If you cut out the loving tone and the compliments, my mother just called me weird.

People would always say I’m the apple of her eyes but deep down we all know she loves us all the same. The thirst came back hitting me like an ice cream truck. Need refreshment, NOW! I left but not before pointing to the smoothie shop to mother dearest.

I heedlessly leaned against the counter, putting all my focus on a flavour I would actually go for. Banana? Strawberry? Honeydew? Star fruit? Kiwi? Blueberry? Ew definitely no, it taste like medicine and this is one girl who hates blueberry with passion!

“I’ll have a raspberry, cherry and mango fusion.” I said smiling, all my favourite fruits in one gulp, awesome. The counter boy winked before giving me a receipt and left to go get my order. I shrugged it off, werewolves are used to attention.

He sets it down in front of me and grinned like crazy. How about stop grinning you freak? I took my heaven in a cup, I turned so fast I had no idea someone was behind me then the ugly happened.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” He smelled musky and masculine, like a werewolf would. And extremely delicious and I don’t think it’s the smoothie spilled on his shirt that smells so good. It had my wolf purring in delight. I tilt my head only to be hooked to a pair of the most mesmerizing dark pale crimson eyes, are they natural?

“Its easy for you to say! ‘I’m sorry”, well sorry doesn’t cut it and its brand new! I bought it ten minutes ago, what a klutz!” He spat at me furiously and both my wolf and me winced. She didn’t like it when he’s shouting at me and neither was I but lucky me I’m not that timid. And who gets mad over a spoiled shirt anyway?! Sook! (it means baby if you don't know)

“The deed’s done and I said sorry now where’s mine? I spent money on that” I spat back. Shoving a finger into his sculpted chest, the front of his shirt drenched. Oh, i don't think i should have done that, his chest is so hard, firm...i just want to rub him all over--

The hell....

“Excuse me? None of this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been such a klutz in the first place!” He swatted my hand away, the hand that was quite comfortable lingering on his chest--his magnificent, lickable chest--oh i bet it taste like honey. Keep it in your pants, girl!

“No, none of this would have happened if you didn’t stand so close behind me!” Both my hands clenched into fists, i was frustrated, angry and turned on at the same time. What the fuck!

“Well I’m sorry klutz girl for following the rules!” He had the final say before he stormed off. The store’s staff probably witnessed it all and made another one of my order ready. Such nice people, I thanked them before storming off myself. Who storms off like a chick like that? 

I just wanted a drink! A damn tasty drink, not a public humiliation! I swear I would strangle him if I meet him again, it would better not seeing him at all! I threw the empty cup into the bin and proceed to the jewellery shop where mom and the girls were happily chatting. Worst day ever!

Unknown POV

Hestia Stavros, what a laugh. To think she’s the school’s voted best and most popular girl in school.  How pathetic, such a fake--she's the reason i'm sent here at the first place. That little twerp, i could've stayed home, comfortable and doing whatever i want rather than chasing after her ass. 

I fucking hate Lynden right now, bastard threw me into the enemy's territory just for what?--That Hestia bitch. I dun even get his obsession with her, what's so special? Just some pampered Alpha's daughter with no brains. 

I was not happy, not at all. 


Dude! Don't go all judgy! Shesh!

Thanks for reading~




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