A 'few' rounds...right...

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Chapter fourteen 

A month later...

"Harder! Enemies won't stop mid-fight! Get up! Pathetic!" I groaned, clutching onto my side, it had been a month since my stay here in Athens, Greece and it hadn't been that wonderful. Right from the moment i stepped onto my grandmother's land, i was treated like a soldier.

Every single day i was forced to carry out these hellish trainings. I wasn't about to give up--hell bent on coming out victorious, a Stavros trait--and i'm not a quitter. Hadn't been one and not going to start now. 

Despite the fact there hadn't been one day was i allowed to shift into my wolf. 

"Are you going to give up girlie? Sure, go run away with your tail between your legs! Weakling!" I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists. "No.." My voice came out hoarse. "What's that? I hear nothing but crickets." 

"I won't give up sir!" I rolled onto my stomach and pushed myself up with much difficulty. I took quick shallow breaths, i might have broke a rib. "PROVE IT!" The mafia guy who picked me up at the airport stood in front of me, crossing his arms smugly. I launched myself at him again, for the umpteenth time today.

"Weak, slow, think before you attack!" He swiftly maneuvered his body to dodge my attack and grabbed my arm, before i could catch up with what he was doing, i was face deep in dirt, arm wenched behind my back as his humongous build pinned me down. 

"Give me fifty." He said gruffly, releasing his hold on me as i quickly proceeded to do fifty push ups as ordered, just like all the other time right before he lets me rest. Once i was done, i stood up straight and waited for his approval. "This is all for today, get some rest." I slumped onto the wet ground, result of the heavy rainfall yesterday. I looked up, pink and orange hue had already tinted the sky. 

My wolf lets out a guttural growl internally, feeling caged and restrained.

It wasn't in her nature to be held back. I noticed faintly the curtains of a room from the second floor swishing, grandmother's room. I sighed, all i wanted right now was a nice relaxing bath, food and a well deserved sleep. I got up, muscles strained body filthy with dirt and walked inside, but not before i washed my feet. I didn't want another sounding from the lady of the house about dirty floors. 

As i walked towards my room, i was greeted with friendly smiles and hello's from the house staff, loyal followers of my grandmother. 

Once cleaned and fully fed, i collapsed onto the heavenly comfort of the bed. I spared a moment to think about my family back home, too bad i didn't get to join in the school festival and all the troubles i left behind. Was i running away from the problems? I decided i wasn't going to bother thinking about it and sleep. It took me not even a second to fall into a dreamless rest. Fatigue was an understatement. 

When morning came i was half way through my breakfast when my grandmother presented herself. The maid was quick to place her breakfast on the table, before sliding the chair for her. "How is your training so far?" My grandmother, i gathered is a well breed woman with high standards and tough outer surface. In short? A female version of my dad. I don't understand why they don't get along.

"I'm adapting." She preferred simple and straight to the point answers. That was breakfast talk in this house, "Excuse me, i'm going to have a morning run." She stared at me for a full minute, "Very well." before dismissing me.

I hurried into my room to change into my shorts and white singlet, wearing a hoodie above it. I bent down to tie my shoe laces then i grabbed my ipod and practically jumped down the stairs. I had my earphones on as i started slow jogging down the neighborhood road. Not exactly neighborhood as it is an enormous private property. 

The good news is i got constant calls from home. Odyne keeps me updated about the rogues and hunters. Artemis likes to confide in me about her problem and its progress. I honestly didn't thought Leela was that kind of girl, honestly, she's a bitch in the closet. I'm pretty much vexed she used my sister like that, trading friendship for what? Popularity. Why, that's the single most ridiculous thing i had ever heard.

Oh if only i was there, i would love to punch her face in. Oh! All this training is making me an angry and violent person. Is this a reverse effect? I seriously don't get it, i thought as i turned at a curve. Morning jogs kept my wolf mediumly in check, so i don't just suddenly shift into my wolf during training or something. 

I checked the time and saw i had ten minutes till morning training, i honestly didn't realized it had been that long--time sure flies when you're trying to get the grumpy out of your system. I i turned another corner and found myself heading towards the manor. 

In ten minutes time, i had showered, dressed appropriately and waited at the front yard. I took a minute to admire my surroundings, the beautiful landscape of Artino Manor. 

Mr Bruno otherwise known as the big mafia guy stood in front of me wearing nothing but jeans riding low on his hips. He was a sight for sore eyes and i prevented myself from doing anything embarassing such as checking him out. (When he's not looking, then i can check him out)

Oh, i love being me.

"We'll head to the track, do some warm ups then run a few rounds." The back view was as spectacular as the front, that i'll admit. I walked onto the track after some basic warm ups while he stood outside the bound with a stopwatch in his hand. I positioned myself, ready to sprint. 


And i launched. 


Fifty rounds is not considered a 'few' rounds for a reason. 

"You got three seconds off your last record, i was hoping for five." I bit my tongue from lashing out. WHY DON'T YOU TRY RUNNING FIFTY ROUNDS NON-STOP! Stupid five seconds. He tsked and eyed me, "You could still manage a few sit ups." 

I will not kill a person. I will not kill a person. I will not kill a person. 

"Yes sir!" 


Fifty sit ups is not considered a 'few' for a reason.  

 Need air, can't breath! I gasped for air, gatorade sounds good right about now. "Get up." My muscles protested, screaming insults at me and pleading i let them rest. If my muscles could talk it would be a little like this:



I just want some chocolate frozen yogurt and a good movie night with Artemis. Is that too much to ask? "Fifteen minute break, meet me again at the training room." I was forced to stand up only to collapse again. To think a month had passed and my improvement? So far, zero. 

Mother passed this? Wow, i underestimated her. She's not weak at all. 

I want to give up but thats not an option. I have people to lead, problems to solve and i can't prove my worth if i can't pass something as simple as boot camp.

My fool of a mate (ON HOLD and editing)Where stories live. Discover now