Do i hear a ka-ching?

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Chapter eleven.

Knowing that I’m in the middle of the shopping complex, my mate on his knees holding a rose out for me while my mother was snickering at a nearby shop had me flabbergasted. Just froze at the spot. Staring at him like he had grown two heads. My mouth won’t close; I was so sure something would fly in. I mumbled unintelligently, not knowing what I’m really saying.

“Hestia, love. Would you be my girlfriend?” Now that I think about, there was no status on our relationship. It was always mate this, mate that. Never boyfriend and girlfriend, I looked at him…for a long time.

“Um..” He looked from under his lashes, incredibly cute in my opinion. I squealed all of a sudden. Jumping up and down, my hand covering my shrieking mouth. I yanked and I literally mean yanked the rose out of his grasp and kneeled, hugging him with my arms securely wrapped around his neck.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” I cleared my throat, calming my heart from jumping out of my chest. "Sure, i mean...if you want to. Whatever." Damn, i sounded lame. He smirked nonetheless, amused at my reaction and i blushed like a ripe tomato.


“Sweetie? Earth to my darling daughter?” Mom’s voice got me out of my trance.

“Gosh, you’re behaving like a lovesick puppy.” Crius was at the counter, ordering our food. I blushed profusely, its impossible not to. My ‘boyfriend’ just asked me out like a few minutes ago. In front of EVERYONE! Holy macaroni, I just realised the possibility of a student from our school witnessing that and HE was the one to do it. He’s not ashamed of us, he’s willing to go public. 

“Mom, I never felt so alive.” I admitted. My mother laughed, she’s must’ve experienced this before with dad. “Your dad used to be quite a romantic. I had my times.” She grinned, tapping me lovingly on the hand. I smiled; mom was the backbone of the family. What would we do without her, I doubt I’d be seeing dad much if she’s gone. Ugh, what am I thinking? Mom would always be there for us.

“Food’s here!” Mom laughed delightedly. Crius took a seat next to me and grabbed my hand openly. Mom had an ‘aw’ look permanently stuck on her face--to my embarrassment. I sighed content and shifted my seat closer to his, of course I would love to be on his lap but with mom here its not possible. He smiled and rested his arm around my shoulder. “Look at that, just adorable.” Mom nudge some stranger, human evidently that was sitting the next table from us. I blushed and Crius snickered. 


What? You pair are too adorable.

Do you HAVE to tell a stranger that?!

Just sharing the love. Sharing is caring you know.

I heard the others muffling their laughter in our pack mind link, I know Crius was listening in but his face shows no sign of humour, he’s just eating his burger leisurely. Wow, talk about support. Oh, shut it. I gave up, surely I won’t hear the end of this soon. 

The next hours were spend shopping, shopping and guess what? Shopping…Crius was looking quite spent and tired by the end of the day, who’s laughing now? Him and his gentlemanly manners, he dropped us off at our house and kissed me goodbye after politely refusing the dinner invitation from mom. Probably too dead tired to even stay awake during dinner, in the end he promised to come for dinner tomorrow. I walked him to his car and watched him drive away. I smiled and walked back inside only to see mom chattering to the girls about his ‘proposal’ and the guys laughing in the gaps of her story but their eyes stuck on the plasma TV. 

It was truly embarrassing. 

I headed to the couch and plopped between Apollo and Erebus as they furiously killed virtual zombies, the other guys cheering on their bets. By the look of things, its not looking good for Erebus. “Who do you want to bet on?” Caerus was the one doing the banking, handling our bets. I looked at both of them, sure Erebus looks like he’s losing but I think that’s just a trick up his sleeve.

My fool of a mate (ON HOLD and editing)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat