It her fault.

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Rufus POV.

I can't still believe that I had to live Sandra my girlfriend just because of this slut.

Right now Cain is trying to convince me how nice Arabella his some times I wonder if she is sleeping with him cause I can't see why he like her.

' Rufus what you are doing to Arabella is not right why can't you see that she is a wonderful girl who will make you happy' Cain said hoping I will see is point

' so in other words you are telling me how to treat my wife ' I said angrily .

' well has your best friend if it the right thing then yes I will.' Cain said to me .

' I can see you are beginning to have feeling for my wife ' I said .

' Now I can see you have gone mad how can you say that when I don't want you to lose some one good' he said Arabella would never be my type.

' It still none of your business ' who do he think he is to pull that guilt stuff on when it all her falut.

' Arabella ' I scream her name , why is she not answering me .

' Rufus what do you want now ' Cain said

' mind your business ' I said back

Then she came out this slut always want people fighting over her .

' Rufus you - - ' I did not let her finish how dare she call me by my name .

' How many times do I have to tell you not to call me by my name but sir' I said to her

' I thought has your wife - -' I cut her off.

' well you thought wrong, are you just going to stand there and strave my friend and i.' I said

' I came 10 second- -' I slapped her on the same cheek .by tomorrow I want to see how ugly she will be and how she was going to flirt.

' I always knew your mother never thought you well all she knew was sleeping around with married men ' I said to her, I can see those fake tears about to drop.

' Rufus how can you say such  to your wife ' Cain said.

I turned to Cain ' Just like you said my wife' then I turned back to Arabella ' now get out of my site you slut ' she ran as fast has she could.

Just like promised my mom am going to make her life a living hell here.

' Rufus if you don't know you are sick in the head ,you told are not to make meal so why the fuck are you hitting her' Cain said

' I thought she was educated , can't she use her IQ' I said

' Do you know how you sound like , a fool a big one at that. Tell me is it because she is the only way of getting the property, or is it because you had know other choice than to break up with Sandra, that why you are doing this .' Cain said.

' That none of your business ' I said.

' Rufus she is a good lady give the girls a chance you will love her' Cain said

' Cain do not let that slut ruin our friendship' I said angrily.

' The only person that will ruin it is you ' cain said then he left me.

How dare we have been friends for 15 year ,his he just going to give it up because of her .

' Arabella ' I shouted , and there was know answer.

I look for her but there was know 
Sine of her I waited for an hour then she came back.

When I saw her I took the first thing my hand touch I use it to hit her hard on the head

' that for living my house with out permission.' then I left.

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