Is this my only way out

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Arabella POV.

I can't stop thinking about what my father said.

I was on my way to work, when I got a call from my friend Kara she has been there for me.

I don't know what I would do without her .

'Hello Kara how are you ' I said happy th
at I still got some one to talk to.

'Good, Bella I have thought about it you should do it ' Kara said

'I should sell my self ' I said

'you don't have to make it sound like that think about the bright side you will be rich and you will get out of that house ' Kara said hoping I will understand

'It still not right, i never spent from it ' I answered angrily

'He fed you didn't he ' Kara said not minding my tone ,that what I meant when I said she has always been there for me

'left over you mean why are you siding them I thought you were my friend ' I said to how can she side them over me what has gotten into her

'I am your friend ' Kara said sad about what I had just told her

'Act like one ' I said knowing that I might have broken my friends heart.

I hang up the call, how could she I thought we where friend.
But could it really be my only way out.

I got home around 7pm I was so tired, as I was about going upstairs I heard me stepmom calling me

'What do you want Elizabeth 'I said while walking to her

' I will not let you speak to mom like that ' said my stepsister Grace.

'Or what starve me again do not forget I am in my father house go meet your ' I said angrily, I won't hold back any more.

'I might not be in my father house but I am not the one who is being treat like a slave in my dad house ' Grace said happily

'That enough Grace you don't want your father to get angry at would you ' my stepmom said.

I was so sad I couldn't say anything because I knew once I said anything I could break down any moment from now so u ran out of the house hearing my stepmom and her daughter laughing at me.

When I left the building it started raining heavilyI  kept waking not knowing where my leg took me.

I can't stop thinking about all the things that where happening if only I had just kept quiet and never asked my dad to ever get married I will never be in this mess .

What if I had never been born would my mom still be alive , would my mom and dad still be happy .

My dad would never be in this position he would never have had to borrow all this money the only way I could help them now was to get married to that man.

I went to Kara's place, when I got there it took her some few seconds to open the door .
When I saw her I rushed to her crying she was the only one I could come to.

' Bella what happened ' She said after dragging me inside Kara is the only child of her parents they where not financially ok but they had what I was looking for love from but parents and happiness that makes a family one.

'Am sorry ' After cleaning my face .

'About what ' she said

'For shouting when you where trying to help me ' I said

' it okay beside I already forgot about it I new you where not thinking straight' she said smiling at me. I can't believe how she could forgive me when my dad can never forgive and same goes for me.

' You where right it is my only way out of this problem an in , thank you.'

' You don't have to thank me it because we are not financially ok I would have help but dad just got a new job and mom is still searching and I have not seen anything to do that why I told you to do it am so useless'she said about to break down I hugged her because I new that she was in so much mess just like me but I will try everything thing I can to help her just the way she had done for me.

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