Sixth year- Part 1

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5th September 1976:

"You have GOT to be kidding me," I mutter, moving towards my assigned seat in Potions. 

This is the only time that I hate Professor Slughorn. 

James smirks at me as I plonk down on my chair, sitting right on the edge so that I am as far away as possible from him. Arrogant toerag.

As I get my book out of my bag, I feel his eyes on me. I sigh, turning to him. 

"What are you staring at?"

He twitches slightly, and it is almost unnoticeable. Almost. He picks up his quill and starts fidgeting with it as I raise my eyebrows impatiently. 

"I wasn't," he says simply, not meeting my eyes.

I huff, turning away from him and busy myself with starting to write on my parchment. 30 minutes into the lesson, I feel his eyes on me again. 

I quietly tear a piece of my parchment, careful not to attract any attention. I scribble a note on it, then pass it to James. 

I watch out of the corner of my eye as he opens it, and smile when he goes red. I smile wider, satisfied that I made the arrogant toerag blush.


"You said what?" Alice asks incredulously, her eyes nearly popping out of her head. 

"Take a picture, it lasts longer," I say, grinning. 

"Ooooh, Lily, he sooo likes you!" Mary teases, nudging me lightly. 

"Eww, gross," I laugh, ignoring the slight twinge in my chest. 


5th November 1976:

"He was doing what?" I exclaim, as Alice shushes me. 

"Doodling your initials in the margin," she says, in a much quieter tone then mine. 

"I told you!" Mary exclaims excitedly. "He totally has a crush on you!"

"It wasn't necessarily me!" I say indignantly. "It was probably someone else with the initials L.E." I wave a hand dismissively. "You guys always make a big deal out of nothing."

Mary stares at me for a second. "He drew a lily after the E."

I groan, putting my head in my hands. Alice giggles.

"What are you going to do?" Mary asks me, grinning. 


"Are you going to ask him out?" Alice squeals.

"What?! No, of course not!" I shudder, repulsed at the thought. "What is wrong with you guys? This is POTTER we're talking about!"

They don't seem to hear me. 

"He has such a cute grin though," Mary sighs dreamily. 

"And his hair is so floppy!" Alice exclaims.

"Umm hello, Al? Your boyfriend is sitting over there!" I say, gesturing to Frank. 

Alice slaps me softly, blushing a bit. "Shut up Lily." 

As we giggle, I see Severus glancing reproachfully at me from across the courtyard. 

A/N: Hi! It feels like ages since I've updated this story, but I'm excited to write the next few chapters! Was this chapter ok? 

Lots of love

Saf xx

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