Third year- Part 1

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November 30th 1973:

"Something's up with Potter's buddy," Sev states as we back from Potions together.

"Which one, Peter?" I ask, assuming that it would be him. He looks like he is the most breakable.

"No, Remus!" Sev clarifies, and I surreptitiously sneak a glance at him. 

"What's wrong with him?" I ask, honestly not seeing anything out of the ordinary. "Sure he's growing a beard, and that might be a bit early, but there's nothing strange about that..." I trail off, as Sev seems to lose interest. 

"I don't really know. He just seems... quieter than usual."

Thinking about it, he does seem a lot more withdrawn, but isn't that just his nature?

"Nah," I say, dismissing the comment. "He's probably just stressed with exams and hanging out with Potter all the time. After all, that's enough to drive anyone to insanity!"

Sev laughs. 


4th January 1974:

I gaze out at the grounds of the school. The full moon is out, and it looks beautiful, illuminating the silhouettes of the Whomping Willow and Hagrid's hut. 

I can't sleep tonight. Maybe it's because something about Remus is troubling me. I can't quite put my finger on it though. I shouldn't even be thinking about it, after all, Sev mentioned it at least a month ago now.

So why am I thinking about it  now?

Suddenly, I see something dart across the grounds. Someone slip quietly into the shadows, trying to seem invisible. They head towards the shrieking shack.

Curiosity gets the better of me, and I slip on my shoes and go out to follow them. 

I take the same route they did, and find myself heading towards the Whomping Willow. But the branches aren't trying to kill me this time. Strange. 

I walk in silence for a while, listening for any signs of the mysterious person. Then, I hear something. 

I walk slower, more cautiously, until I come to a door, which hasn't been shut properly, probably in a rush. I peek inside, and just about stop myself from gasping. 

There is a wolf. More specifically, a werewolf. I can tell by their eyes. They are more human-like. 

I turn on my heel and run back the way I came. I am just about to report it to Headmaster Dumbledore, but decide against it, as I don't even know who this person is. 

So, instead, I wait by the window, waiting for the mysterious person to emerge from the depths of the Whomping Willow. 

I watch for hours, and I rub my eyes, determined to stay awake just a little while longer. Just as my head is nodding, I see a figure tiptoe across the lawn, trying not to be seen. I only catch a glimpse of his face for a second. A second is all I need. 

It's Remus. 

A/N: Hi! I thought that Lily would probably figure out that Remus is a werewolf, as she's far from stupid. I don't know if I've got all of the details correct, but I tried! What do you think of this chapter? Ok? Boring?

Lots of love

Saf xx

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