First year- Part 2

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September 1st 1971:

"Gryffindor," the sorting hat shouts loudly, not even having to touch my head to make up its mind. 

I pass Sev on my way to the Gryffindor table, hoping that he gets Gryffindor too. As soon as I think it, I know that he'll get Slytherin. 

Just because we're in different houses, doesn't mean that we have to stop being friends, right?

I am so lost in thought, that I almost don't notice when someone sits next to me.

"Lily Evans, right?" James asks, a twinkle in his eye. 

"Yes, and you are?" I ask in a fake posh accent. 

"Sir James Potter of Gryffindor," he replies, putting on an ostentatious expression.

I giggle, but quickly quell myself when I see Sev walking up to the chair. 

"Slytherin," the sorting hat bellows, and I feel my last shred of hope deflate. 

Sev smiles ruefully at me from across the room, moving towards the Slytherin table. 

I watch him go, before turning back to James. 

"So, you got your wish," I say, smiling. 

"Yeah," he replies. "And Sirius and Remus are here too." He motions to the two, who are deep in conversation with another boy who's name I think is Peter. 

I nod, smiling at my new house members. My new family.


"Hi," a blonde girl smiles at me. "I'm Alice Prewett, and this is Mary McDonald." 

"Hey, I'm Lily," I say, returning the smile. 

I survey the room. It contains three beds, all with matching red and gold quilts and plush pillows. There is a window, and I hope the girls will let me have the bed nearest to it. 

"So, we're room-mates, huh?" I ask conversationally. 

"It would seem so," Mary pipes up happily. 

"So... dibs on the bed by the window!" I say, scrambling to get to it first.

Alice laughs and Mary and I race each other to it. I reach it a fraction of a second before her, but she laughs it off, not seeming bothered at all. 

Maybe making new friends wouldn't be so hard after all...


September 7th 1971:

"Hi Sev," I say, catching up to him in the hallway.

"Hey Lily," he greets me, smiling brightly. "How are you liking Hogwarts so far?"

"I'm loving it!" I say excitedly. "Everyone seems really nice."

"Yeah," he says, smiling slightly. "But I've missed you; it feels like we haven't spoken in ages." He sounds wistful.

"I know. Hey, how about we play Gobstones this weekend together?" I ask hopefully.

He seems to brighten up at the thought. "Sure!"


July 14th 1972:

"The winner of this years house cup is..." Headmaster Dumbledore starts, and I bite my nails anxiously. 


The whole table erupts, and James pulls me in for a hug, which is unexpected, seeing as we haven't really spoken to each other this year. Nevertheless, I give him a quick hug back, before turning to Alice and Mary.

"Yay!" Mary cries, high-fiving me enthusiastically. 

I wince at the strength of it, and Alice laughs joyously. I catch Sev's eye, and he smiles at me, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes...

A/N: What did you think of this chapter? I don't want to spend too much time on individual evens, so this story will be moving relatively fast... I hope that's ok?

Lots of love

Saf xx

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