15. Their First Date

Start from the beginning

And things with Reeve didn't slow down after that night. Not for a long time. Kelly walked with her through a major award show loss, a moment of clarity about where she needed to go with her music, and helped her figure out how she could manipulate her contract so she could put off her final album for a year.

Kelly coordinated everything it took to pack up one house and move it across the country, not just for Reeve's place but for Anton's apartment as well. He was coming with them. Circumstances forced them to remain friendly.

It helped that they were comfortable with each other when all three of them ended up living in the one-bedroom apartment above Reeve's studio space for two weeks while Reeve and Kelly looked for a place to live.

When Reeve told her mother she had bought a new house and had moved the majority of her things in from LA, Molly insisted that she finally pack up and clean out her room. As if Reeve didn't have enough boxes currently crowding up her family room floor.

And the boxes didn't stop there. Dani had claimed a room upstairs based on some unspoken agreement with Reeve and was in the process of splitting her clothes between her mom's house and Reeve's. There were still boxes crowding up the studio space Reeve had purchased from Monstar and Anton was barely able to make it past them to climb the stairs to the apartment overhead, where there were even more boxes, these his own personal belongings.

On the night Kelly helped cart over cardboard boxes to Molly's house, she found Reeve and Dani in the middle of what looked like a natural disaster in her childhood room. They were laughing over some old tee-shirt Reeve was trying to put in the trash pile but Dani insisted was a piece of history when Kelly walked in.

"How can I help?"

Reeve looked around, trying to find a spot Kelly could even stand among the mess.

"Dude. I don't think we have room," Dani half-laughed.

"I think she's right. I don't think you'll fit," Reeve said. "Why don't you take the night off? You have your own room to unpack. And that new desk for your office should have been delivered by now. I'm good here."

"Are you sure?" Kelly asked.

Reeve grabbed the stack of folded cardboard boxes Kelly had in her hand and snatched away the box of trash bags Kelly had instinctively grabbed when she entered the room.

"I'll be fine. If I need help, I'll call. I promise. Besides, I could use a night with my family and you could use a night off. Go. Kelly. I'm serious."

Kelly nodded when she saw no wiggle room. She wished them good luck and waved goodbye to Molly as she climbed back into her car and headed back for the city. It was her first night off since she had started working for Reeve. She wasn't sure what to do with herself.

Knowing herself, Kelly knew she would go stir crazy if she sat around and did nothing. She headed upstairs as soon as she entered the house, noting the lack of giant box supposed to be holding her new desk. She started with her room and had all her clothes hung up and folded, put away, in ten minutes. She moved to her office. She unpacked her degree and hung it on the wall. She placed what few personal sentimental items she had on a low wooden filing cabinet that had come with the place. She was done with that box in five minutes.

If she hadn't cleaned the house the day before, she would have considered doing that. But the old oriental rug that covered the hardwood floors of her office didn't have a speck of dirt. Neither did the antique bookshelves that lined the wall. She moved downstairs and tried to tackle the pile of boxes in the family room.

She sorted things between different rooms. She put away what kitchen items she could but they hadn't packed much, assuming they would buy whole new sets when they arrived.

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