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So. I'm back at it with the stories. I was just reading a book and it gave me the idea for this book, so I went to story drafts, I made a new book. I don't have a title, description, plot, characters, setting, name. None of it. Normally I'll plan a story but I just wanted to go with the flow for this one. But here is the description I have in my mind...


"Love you JJ"

"Do you though?"


"doesn't the pressure ever get to you, do you ever get sick of having to be perfect?"

"no, but I don't feel pressure,"

"how? how can you not feel pressure, sometimes all I feel is pressure," 

"Well for one, I'm not perfect, I'm myself"

"but what if when I'm myself no one likes me?" 

"How could no one like you?"

"Because I'm fake," I whispered


Jennifer. Jen. Jenny. J. JJ. Such a pretty name. For someone who is equally pretty. Jen has spent her whole life being 'perfect'. Well, society's definition of perfect. She is rich, pretty, popular, athletic, has a perfect body, smart, kind, all of the above. 

But she doesn't want to be perfect. 

She doesn't want all of this pressure from her parents, older brother, best friends, teacher, boyfriend. She's only perfect because she feels like no one will like her if she's not. And if no one likes her, then she will be more lonely then she already is. 

She has friends but no one would drop everything to be there for her when she feels like she's drowning. Or when all the pressure gets to her and she is about to break. She doesn't have anyone to tape her back together after she breaks. Even if she's gonna break again.

Will Jenn find out how to find the one person who's always there? Will she find out how to find her own self worth? will she get past the pressure?

She's perfect. But she fakes it. She's homecoming queen. But she fakes it. She's pretty. But she fakes it. She doesn't want to fake it, but she doesn't want to be alone.

Homecoming queenWhere stories live. Discover now