Chapter 46

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Lauren sat on the floor of her new apartment. The only thing she had bothered to unpack was her phone, which rested a few inches from her. Before her was the script to Summer's End, opened to one of the sections she was having trouble memorizing.

The apartment was dark except for a couple of lit candles on the floor in front of her. Boxes formed several pillars around what would eventually become a living room. That's if Lauren decided to keep the apartment after the movie finished filming. Otherwise, she probably wouldn't bother unpacking anything. She'd get things on a need-to-find basis.

For the past hour and a half, Lauren had been trying to concentrate on the script, but all she could think about was Camila .

Their conversation hadn't lasted very long.

Dinah had returned, waving around Billy's  number like a victory flag. Soon after, the rest of the cast had arrived and Normani had rounded them up.

Lauren squinted at the words on the page, trying desperately to make sense of something. But nothing made sense anymore.

The ringing of the telephone dragged Lauren out of her stupor. "Hello?" she greeted. Ever since her slip-up with Camila , Lauren had decided that answering the phone as 'Jauregui' wasn't a very bright idea. Not unless she expected Camila to believe that Lauren was always on the phone with her pool man.

"How's the Big Apple treating you?"
Lauren smiled upon hearing Adrian's voice. She hated to admit it, but she was lonely without him. "Well, you know me, parties every night."

Adrian laughed. "Sorry to interrupt," he teased. "Did I miss anything? Kiss any more cute girls?"

"There was the random stray lesbian here and there," Lauren responded. "But for the most part I've managed to behave myself."

"If only that were true."

"About behaving myself?"

"No. The random stray lesbians," Adrian clarified. "So what have you really been up to?"

Lauren glanced down at the script on the floor. Besides trying unsuccessfully to memorize it, she hadn't been up to much.

"The usual," she said. "But um ..." Unable to find a smooth way of introducing the subject, she decided just to wing it. "I met Camila today."

There was a slight pause from Adrian's end, followed by, "Come again?"

"Dinah brought her to the set," Lauren explained. "And then left us alone while she went to flirt with the director's assistant."


"We talked about Harry Potter."

"That's it? Did you tell her that you're—"

"Yeah, right," Lauren interrupted. "I can't just blurt out something like that."

Adrian sighed. "Don't you think Fate is trying to tell you something?"

"Yes," Lauren agreed. "It's telling me that the internet is a horrible place to meet women."

"Or sometimes the right place."

Lauren liked her own interpretation of Fate better. Adrian's was ... complicated.

"Whatever," is what she finally said.
Adrian took the hint. "So ... Harry Potter? I know you're a little new at this, Lauren, but if you need me to teach you some better pick-up lines, I'll be happy to comply."

"Actually, I'll probably need them,"

Lauren said, without humor in her voice.

"The director wants us to go out and research lesbian life."

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